“Only you have the power to make sure he doesn’t.”

Chapter Fifty-Eight


When Muriellaand Carlos trekked across the yard, I shot up from my position on the back porch steps and met them halfway, assessing for any sign of how the conversation had gone.

“Thank you again for having me,” Carlos said, extending his hand.

“Glad you could make it. Why don’t you go inside, get something to eat. We’ll follow you in a few minutes.” I shook her brother’s hand.

Carlos gave her a meaningful look before he took off inside the house.

“Let’s take a walk.”

I linked our hands before she could agree or disagree, her feet moving right along next to me when I set off. It was getting late in the afternoon; the wind was still brisk with a few clouds overhead. This place was peaceful, the air clean as I dragged it through my lungs.

I didn’t speak until we were under the tree where Grandmama and Granddaddy had gotten married. I pulled her into my arms.

“I love you.” I needed to say it to her, make sure she understood. “Nothing will ever change that. I couldn’t stop even if I wanted to.” Her eyes shone. “These last few weeks with you have been the best of my life. I always considered myself a pretty happy guy, but I didn’t know a damn thing. You’ve opened up parts of me I didn’t know were there. Shown me what pure joy is.

“Whether you want me or not, I’m yours. I always will be. Letting you walk away from me is going to be the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. Selfishly, I want it to be as hard on you as it is for me. That’s why I brought you here, hoping I could make you stay, show you what you’re giving up. But as much as I want to keep you, I can’t do it if that’s not what you want.” My grip on her tightened.

She swallowed hard. “Stone…”

“Let me ask you one thing before you take off.” My stomach knotted as I got down on one knee. “Muriella, you are the reason I was put on this earth. I don’t make decisions without being certain, and I’ve never been more sure of anything than my feelings for you.” I paused. “Will you marry me?”

She froze, and my heart drummed as I waited for a response. This was it. The last-second Hail Mary. My life hung in the balance as we stared at one another.


Surprise had me blinking up at her before a grin spread across my face. I kept hold of her with one hand and dug in my pocket with the other. I slipped an antique diamond ring on her left hand. “This was my great-grandmother’s on the Jacobs side. One day my grandparents’ wedding bands will go to our son. We’ve been passing rings down for a hundred years.”

“It’s beautiful. Perfect.” She looked down at the ring and then looked at me in wonder as she pulled me to my feet. “I wasn’t leaving. Well, I was, but not just to go to an aimless destination.” She took in a deep breath. “I was going to kill my father. End this. You deserve more than a woman capable of killing. I wasn’t sure if I’d survive anyway or what I would be like if I did. And if I’d told you of my plans, you’d have never let me go.”

I brushed the hair back from her forehead, proud she’d admitted the truth. “I thought about killing him too, so many times it scared me. And you’re damn right, there’s no way I’d have let you go on your own. You deserve vengeance any way you want it, but I can’t stand the thought of him ever being near you again.”

She let out a long breath and gave me a little smile. “I’m sorry I lied to you. I thought you should know, in case you wanted to change your mind.”

“Not a chance I’ll ever change my mind. Ready to do this?”

“Do what?”

“Get married. Right now.”

She searched my face, trying to understand what I’d said. “What? Now? But—but I don’t have a ring for you.”

“Don’t need one. I’ve got my great-grandfather’s. Like I said, we pass the sets down.” I produced two rings, one a worn gold band that looked like it had seen a lifetime’s worth of love, the other a circle of diamonds, the metal aged, the stones flawless.

“I’m honored to have your great-grandmother’s ring. I only hope I can live up to it.” She admired the jewelry with a soft smile.

“You already have. She was an amazing lady, tough as nails but as loving as they come. You remind me a lot of her. I’ll show you her picture later.”

“I’d like that very much. But how are we going to get married? Who’s going to perform the ceremony?”

“Zegas turned up with a judge.”

“Your lawyer’s here?” Her eyebrows jumped in surprise.