This was exactly what I didn’t want, to cause him any kind of pain. It wasn’t fair to bring my darkness into his life of sunshine, and freedom, and love.Always mine. Always mine.My father’s voice was ringing in my ears. “Never!” I roared. “Never yours! Never! NEVER!”

Stone remained still, letting my words bounce off of him. “Let it out, Muriella. I’m right here.”

Somehow he broke through, and I blinked, chest heaving. I wasn’t a little girl anymore. I understood exactly what my father had done to me, how depraved he was. But I couldn’t get free of the fear it could happen again.He thinks you’re dead,I reminded myself. Daniel had gone to great lengths to make certain my father believed that. I’d been safe for over twenty years. Why couldn’t time erase what he’d done to me?

“May I touch you?” Stone asked again, opening his arms.

“You’re not him,” I whispered, taking a tentative step toward him.

“I will never hurt you, Muriella.”

Not Camila. Camila is gone. I’m Muriella.

I took another step. “You’re not him,” I repeated, halting just outside his grasp. I gulped lungfuls of air.

“Breathe, Muriella.” I took the final step, and the second I was close enough, he folded me in his arms. “I’ve got you,” he murmured against my hair, stroking my back.

My body suddenly felt too heavy for my legs to support, and I collapsed against him, totally relying on his strength. I inhaled his earthy scent, which further grounded me. He smelled like sunshine and outdoors, not scotch and cigars. There was no ill intent here, only love and protection.

“I’ve got you,” he said again. “I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

I burrowed against him, feeling safe and secure, though I still trembled. Stone picked me up and settled me in the truck. I didn’t cry, but I was having trouble distinguishing between reality and old memories. My nightmares had always been vivid, but the flashbacks in the daytime were worse. They were real enough I thought I was still there. The sights, smells, touches—all of it like it was happening again, on some sort of loop I could never turn off.

Chapter Thirty-Seven


I carriedher straight to the bathroom once we got home. She hadn’t spoken one word since I’d put her in the truck. It was almost as if she wasn’t even with me.

I set her in the chair in the corner near the tub and switched on the taps. Water cascaded from the spout. I rummaged under the counter until I found a lavender scented bubble bath.

Bubbles immediately formed as the tub filled. I lit the candles surrounding it and dimmed the lights.

Muriella hadn’t moved.

I knelt before her and removed her socks and shoes. She stared past me, her hands limp in her lap.

I grabbed the shampoo, conditioner, and body wash from the shower and arranged it on the ledge of the tub. When it was almost full, I tested the temperature. Hot, but not so much she’d burn.

“It’s ready.”

She flicked her eyes toward me, but remained still.

“Want some help?”

An imperceptible nod was the only response. I drew in a shaky breath. I hadn’t thought this through. A bath was supposed to help her relax, but I hadn’t thought about how she’d get in the water until I was faced with undressing her.


How was I supposed to do that without upsetting her?

My hands shook when I pulled her to her feet. She was like a dishrag as I lifted her arms above her head. I edged my fingers under the hem of her sweater and held my breath as I took it off. A thin long-sleeved shirt was all that separated me from her skin.

You can do this.

Her arms remained straight up. I had to trust she’d stop me if it was too much for her. Slowly, I peeled off her shirt. Nude satin covered her breasts.

My dick grew hard and I cursed it to hell for being such a bastard.