“Well, best of luck on your budding romance.” And I was back to being the rude, insufferable person I’d been most of the evening.
“No disrespect to Daily, but I’ve had better kisses with my labs. And I sure as hell wouldn’t attempt a relationship with the likes of her. That woman redefines high maintenance.”
“Daily? As in Daily Campbell?”
“That’s the one,” he said, tipping his beer bottle at me. His tone sounded as though he couldn’t care less that the woman was an Oscar winner, fashion icon, and America’s sweetheart.
“I’d guess you’re the only man who wouldn’t want her, so either you’re in a relationship or maybe women don’t interest you,” I suggested.
“There’s one woman who definitely has my attention.” His brown eyes zeroed in on me, and I felt more than heard his words. “Except I think she’s already taken.”
“You’re speaking in riddles.”
“Then I’ll make myself clear.” Stone drained the remainder of his beer. “I’ve heard of these ménage situations, but never seen one up close and personal. Hell, I thought it was some shit Jerry Springer made up.”
“I’m still not following you,” I said crisply.
“Don’t you get jealous of another woman with your man?” He pointed his chin to where Vivian and Daniel were in deep conversation, oblivious to the rest of the world, their arms wound around each other. “I’m not judging or anything. Looks like it works for you, but I hope you didn’t think I’d want to get involved. I’m not a sharing man.”
“You mean—” I tried to collect my thoughts and keep my mouth from hitting the floor. “You think—You mean to say you think Vivian and Daniel are my lovers?” I was caught between wanting to laugh and being sick. I loved them, but not like that.
“Pretty obvious the way y’all are with each other,” he said, as if he had it all figured out.
“And how is that exactly?” My temper steadily heightened, which was good, because it meant my anxiety was long gone.
“The three of you can’t keep your hands off each other.”
“Because we’re affectionate, that means we’re lovers?” I asked incredulously.
“I’ve never seen friends act like that.”
“We are more than friends. We’refamily. Those two people are my world. Daniel saved my life when he could have left me for dead. And yes, we’re affectionate. We love each other, but that doesn’t mean we all have sex together!” My voice rose at the end of this speech, and Daniel and Vivian halted their conversation immediately, their attention drawn.
“He thinks the three of us are lovers,” I called to them.
Vivian and Daniel shared a look, then burst into laughter. Daniel stopped immediately when he saw my displeased expression, nudging Vivian with his elbow. She covered her mouth, though her eyes still danced when she looked at me.
“I apologize,” Stone said sincerely. “Clearly I’ve jumped to the wrong conclusion.” I was positive I heard relief in his voice. “Forgive me?”
He seemed so genuinely sorry, and I couldn’t deny he was a truly nice guy. I needed to lighten up. “Apology accepted.”
Vivian buried her face against Daniel’s arm, stifling giggles, and I couldn’t hold back my own laughter any longer.
The ménage misunderstanding had broken the ice, and we ate our meal with easy conversation, as if we’d been friends all our lives. Daniel and Stone joked with each other like guys do, and Stone didn’t seem to be overly focused on me anymore. He just fit. And I realized as Vivian and I held hands that his mistake was an obvious one to make. He didn’t know I wasn’t affectionate this way with anyone else; that it was difficult for me to tolerate another person’s touch; that that kind of love would never be a part of my life.
As if to rescue me from the sadness those thoughts inevitably led to, the fireworks started, and we moved to the railing for a better view. I smiled as a gold one that looked like a weeping willow rained down.
“You like those best,” Stone observed.
“I do.”
He brushed back a lock of hair the wind had blown across my face. I froze. Fear streaked through me at the same time as something completely opposite. I was torn between distancing myself from him and praying he’d do it again. No one was allowed to touch me, though his tenderness had me craving more. It was a feeling I didn’t understand.
As the last of the red, white, and blue diamonds in the sky faded, I allowed myself, just for a second, to feel what it would be like to let another person in.
“Next time I see you, are you still going to be a sassy britches?” Stone asked.
“We haven’t even knocked a dent in all your relatives’ names. I’d say we could at least go another few rounds with that.” This time, there was no trace of malice in my tone.