I propped my chair back on two legs. “Hell if I know. The whole conversation was smoke and innuendo. He sounded smug, that’s for sure.”

“With good reason, considering the letter your grandfather got from the state.”

I landed back on all four chair legs with a thud. “He knows something I don’t. His voice…it was like he’s already won.”

“Let’s think about this logically. We know he’s behind this move by the state, but we don’t know how it’s going to benefit him. If we figure out how he got this going in the first place, we might find some ammunition we can work with.”

She leaned forward and drummed her fingers on the table. We. Muriella was invested in this fight. That she jumped in with both feet gave me strength.

“I asked him who he got to. Just any Joe Blow couldn’t get something like this done.”

“What does he do?”

I chewed on my lip and dug through the files in my mind. “Last I heard, he was in Austin—”

“That’s the capital, right?”

“Yeah.” I rubbed my chin. “I don’t think he works for the government, but I can’t be sure.”

“Daniel could find out.”

“He’s on his honeymoon,” I protested, even though her solution was the best.

“They have to get out of bed some time.” I sprayed tea everywhere. She shrugged. “Well, they do.”

I mopped up my face and then the table. “I hate to—”

“He’ll be more upset if you don’t ask him.”

I knew she was right, so I fired off a text using her phone and got a quick response that he was on it.

She stood and picked up my plate. “We’ll fight with everything we have,” she promised.

“Thanks. I’m glad you came back with me. I’d be losing my mind right now.” She grounded me in ways I hadn’t known I needed, was the calm and reason when I couldn’t see it.

Her phone chimed and we both started.

Tex Transmission Lines, LLC


Partner of Texas Power

“What does it say?” Muriella peered over my shoulder.

“Daniel found out Randall owns a company called Tex Transmission Lines.” She gasped. “They partner with Texas Power, the one who filed for eminent domain against the ranch.”

Her eyes rounded. “Is that legal?”

“I intend to find out.”

Chapter Twenty-Two


You’re almost there.

I huddled in my coat as I hustled down the sidewalk toward Paths of Purpose, a sense of relief coming over me when I spotted the entrance. The area was familiar to me, and the subway ride had been relatively quiet for the day after Thanksgiving, yet the back of my neck still prickled with the prospect of being found. It never went away; it was simply more subdued at times.