“It’s eight o’clock there,” she protested.

“When you get up at four, that’s bedtime.”

Her mouth twitched in amusement. “Tomorrow then.”

I saluted. “Yes, ma’am.”

She stifled a yawned, and I stuffed my disappointment down.

“I should go.” I deposited my empty bottle in the recycling bin, hoping she’d ask me to stay a little longer.

“Thanks for running interference.”

Guess not.

I pretended to dust off my hands. “My work here is done.”

Chapter Twelve


Someone was behind me.

I tensed, slowly removed the earmuffs from my head, and turned, uncertain who I would find.

Immediately, I relaxed and pasted a cordial smile on my face.

“Valentina. I’ve never seen you here before.” I glanced around the shooting range. A man two stalls down fired off several rounds in quick succession. I’d known the woman for more years than I could count through the joint events our respective churches put on together. Before seeing her here, I would’ve suspected this to be one of the last places she’d be.

An amused look formed on her face. “I come every few weeks. Apparently, you’re here more often.” Her gaze moved behind me to the target riddled with holes in the bullseye.

My body flushed as I hooked the earmuffs over my arm. Only the people employed here knew just how much I frequented this place.

I took in her skinny designer pants and pencil-thin heels. She looked impeccably put together as she always did, but one piece of the ensemble definitely stood out. “That’s a lovely necklace.”

Her hand flew to the chunky gold blocks resting on her chest. “Why, thank you. It was a gift from my husband.” She fluffed her silver hair. “I always pick out the best jewelry from him.” She winked.

“He, or should I say you, have a great eye.”

She smiled warmly at me. “Are you about to wrap up here?”

I squared my shoulders. “No. I haven’t been here long.” Not nearly long enough to bring back the sense of control target practice provided. I had no idea when or if Daniel’s associates might return. I still hadn’t made a decision regarding the wedding. And Stone…he had me off-kilter for completely different reasons.

“I could go another round.” Valentina slid into the stall next to mine.

A noise of frustration escaped me, but she didn’t seem to hear. Daniel came here with me a good deal, though he hardly ever fired a weapon. This time, though, I’d slipped off on my own, needing the time alone to regroup. It appeared my effort was futile.

“Are you coming to the next meeting?” she asked as she adjusted protective glasses over her eyes.

I didn’t want to chat, especially not about the joint event Saint Pius did with Saint Agnes every year for the children.

“Yes.” I lifted the pistol and fired, missing the center of the target by an inch. My nostrils flared.

I shifted my stance, focused on where I wanted the bullets to strike, and squeezed the trigger until the magazine was empty. With automatic movement, I reloaded and fired again. And again. And again.

The range disappeared. All that remained was me and my target and the semblance of control I’d been missing for days. Every round that hit its mark centered my spiraling fear until I’d packed it back into the box I kept it in.

Daniel’s lack of trust in me became my target. I obliterated it with twenty rounds, yet my anger remained. Quickly reloading, I aimed again, this time intentionally landing shots around the outer fringes of the circle.