I shoved my phone back into my pocket and stared at her things on the sofa. If she’d had her phone, we could have tracked her, maybe pinpointed her location. She could already be out of the city, even headed out of the country, for that matter.

I picked up her phone, sliding my finger across the screen to unlock it. There was an unsent text message containing what appeared to be GPS coordinates. Immediately, I sent them to Daniel before plugging them into her tablet on the coffee table. A satellite photograph showed a lush green environment, and upon zooming in, I saw a long dirt runway. Around it were stables, a large house, and land that went on for miles.

Another few clicks and I discovered the coordinates were in Nicaragua.

I sprang to my feet, unable to sit there and do nothing. As I was about to dial Vivian, Daniel’s name flashed on the screen.

I answered it before there was half a ring. “Those coordinates are in Nicaragua,” I blurted.

“I know, but I don’t think they’ve left the city yet. Muriella used her credit card about an hour and fifteen minutes ago at the market down the street.”

I prayed to God he was right.

“There’s a key to my apartment in the junk drawer in Muriella’s kitchen,” Daniel went on.

“How about on her key ring?” I snatched them up and rushed toward the door.

“That’ll do.” He hesitated, and I jogged up the stairs. “How familiar are you with firearms?”

“I grew up on a ranch in Texas. If you’re insinuating I don’t know how to shoot, I’ll be pissed off at you later when it’s a more convenient time.” I tried every key until the right one finally turned.

“The alarm code is 101407.”

I punched it in and slammed the door behind me.

“In our bedroom closet on Vivian’s side, there’s a safe built into the wall. Behind her clothes.”

Once in the closet, I shoved at the hangers. They scraped against the wooden rod. Some of the garments dropped to the floor.

“I see it.” The door had a dial and a keypad.

“Use the keypad. 924199379.”

I punched numbers as fast as Daniel spit them out. Inside, jewelry lined the walls. A photo of the two of them sat front and center.

“How the hell are Vivian’s jewels going to help me find Muriella?”

“There’s a gun in the back. The clip is beside it. Extra bullets in the Jimmy Choo shoe box.”

“Do you know how many fucking shoe boxes there are in here?” I jammed the clip in the gun, made sure the safety was on, and shoved it in my waistband.

“Top shelf, closest to the door. Only Jimmy Choo’s in the closet.”

I spotted the box, but it didn’t slide off the shelf as easily as I expected it to. When I lifted the lid, I didn’t find any designer stilettos. The box was filled to the brim with silver bullets.

“You expecting the cavalry to come after you?” My thoughts immediately went to the scene we’d come back to after the Heart Ball. So maybe this wasn’t overkill.

“Just got the notification; she’s pushed the panic button. I’m going to text you an address. Shoot to kill. I mean it. I’ll take care of the mess.”

“Panic button—” Her phone vibrated in my pocket. “I just got more coordinates. From an unknown number.”

“Give them to me,” Daniel demanded. I recited the latitude and longitude, hearing the taps of his fingers on a keyboard. “It’s a field in Connecticut.”

“Could be a distraction.”

“Could be where they’re taking her.”

Her life was in my hands. Did I follow Daniel’s directions or go to Connecticut? My instinct said one thing, logic the other.