Her smile broadened. “How about chocolate chip cookies? Would those help?”

I clutched my chest. “M, you really know how to get to a girl.” I fluttered my lashes and she swatted at my knee. “I mean it. You wooed me on the first date.”

“Did I say I had cookies? This cold weather must be getting to me,” she said innocently.

“Hand over the goods, sister.” I held out my hand, and she passed me a cookie. “They’re still warm,” I said in awe.

She gave me a smug look. “You’re really impressed now.”

“No doubt.” I grabbed her hand and examined her fingers before I held up mine. “Nice nail polish.”

“Should I be afraid that we think alike?” She mock-shuddered, and I swiped a piece of her cookie. “Hey!”

I broke off some of my own and gave it to her. “So when are we doing this again?”

“Tomorrow works for me.”

* * *

On December fourteenth,a Friday after work, Daniel was waiting for me outside the office, already shrugging out of his cashmere coat when I pushed out into the falling snow. I accepted it with only a little protest, all for effect. I loved the way he smelled, and every time that coat was wrapped around me, it was a gift I wasn’t going to reject. Before we started for the subway station, I changed into my ballet shoes, which were horrible on the wet sidewalks. It was the next step in our routine when he met me after work. Daniel still held his breath every time I leaned on him for balance. I hadn’t decided which part I liked better—being surrounded by his scent or taking his breath away.

“I’d rather Muriella were here, but I guess you’ll do. At least you’re good for a coat,” I said, tucking my hand in the crook of his arm to keep it warm.

“I’m glad to know I’m useful for something,” he muttered dryly. He hadn’t mentioned my lack of a jacket again, which I appreciated. I’d been saving for one, but my money didn’t go very far. “Muriella would be pleased to hear you prefer her company to mine, but I suspect she probably already knows.”

“You sound jealous, Mr. Elliott.”

“Please and jealous. Two words I don’t do.” We descended the stairs into the subway at a leisurely pace, oblivious to the people flowing around us on both sides.

“You’ve broadened your vocabulary to include please,” I corrected him. He cast a side-eye, and I flashed him a mischievous grin as I broke free to pass through the turnstile, today without protest from the machine. He offered his arm to me once we were clear, and I took it as we fell back in step together. “How many compliments did I get this week?”

“For what?” he asked warily.

“Your improved courting skills. I bet the women you’ve taken out are impressed.”


I stopped walking, earning a few curses from people behind me, and put my hands on my hips. “You’re kidding. I thought we were making baby steps toward improving your lady skills.”

“I’m not trying to improve my—how did you put it?—‘lady skills.’” He began to walk again. I didn’t follow him immediately, waiting for him to notice I wasn’t beside him. It didn’t take long. He turned his head, gave me a look to get my ass in gear, to which I rolled my eyes and shook my head. He mouthed,Please, eyes glittering, and I closed the gap between us.

“See how easy it is to get what you want?”

It was his turn to roll his eyes. “At the risk of inflating your already large ego, you are the only person I will ever utter that word to.” Something inside of me puffed up, and I bit my lip so I didn’t let my grin show.

“A wise choice, sir,” I returned, pulling him along so we’d make my train.

It was standing room only, so I grasped a loop hanging from the metal bar, wobbling when the car started to move. Daniel put his arm around my waist to steady me. It was a reflex. His natural instinct was to protect me. “I don’t need you.”

“I’m well aware of that fact.” There was a lightness in his tone I liked. It had been nearly two months since the charity event, and he kept trying, hadn’t given up on me. Something was changing between us. He proved day by day that he wasn’t above earning my time instead of expecting it.

“Why are you riding the subway when you could be chauffeured around the city?”

“Because you’re on the subway, and glutton for punishment that I am, I find I enjoy your company.”

“Of course you do,” I said as if he’d stated the obvious. Inside, however, everything started to tingle. He snorted and discreetly pulled me closer. As if he were commanding the train, it came to an abrupt stop, and I stumbled, bumping into his muscular frame. People moved around us, but we just stood there, staring at one another.

“Are you going to cut me some slack?” he asked.