I whipped my head around. My eyes made a quick survey of Vivian as I tried to still my racing heart. No blood.


Vivian stared past me at Vinny on the floor.

Red. Everything was fucking red. I ground my teeth to the point where I was sure there would be nothing left in my mouth but dust. “What did you just call him?”

She recoiled at the menace in my voice. “Donato?” she said uncertainly.

“How do you know him?” I demanded, and bright patches of red appeared on her cheeks—guilt; I’d caught her doing something she wasn’t supposed to.

“I-I thought he could help me get through to you. I—”

“And he told you he was Donato?” She nodded, then looked uncertain.

“That’s not true,” Vinny said.

“Don’t say another fucking word,” I growled at him.

“Daniel? What’s going on?” Vivian asked.

“You had no business going anywhere near them!” I exploded at her.

“I wanted to help you,” she pleaded.


“I’ve gathered that.” Vivian knelt next to Muriella, done with my lecture.

She’d barely loosened one bind when Angelone slung one thick arm around her neck in a stranglehold. My stomach lurched. One squeeze and she’d be gone from my life permanently.

“Release her.” The words were a warning, low and rough as they escaped my mouth.

Angelone hesitated, his cold eyes uncertain.

“She’s not protected anymore. There’s nothing he can do. Get rid of her,” Vinny choked out.

Stone tightened his grip on Vinny’s throat. Vinny whimpered, his face red from the pressure, but I barely noticed because all my attention was on Angelone holding Vivian.

“Do you want to die today?” I’d never taken a life, but if Angelone didn’t let Vivian and Muriella go in about point-two seconds, I was going to. With my bare hands. Slow and painful.

“Will you cut me in on the canary?” Angelone’s only focus was me.

“Haven’t you heard? The diamond’s been stolen.” I flicked my gaze in Vinny’s direction. No point in denying the deal anymore. Vivian and Muriella’s lives were worth more than a damned yellow rock.

Angelone lifted one brow, metering to see if I was telling the truth.

“Ask him.” I pointed my chin at Vinny.

“You’ve had the diamond this entire time?” he growled, releasing Vivian. He stalked over to where Vinny was pinned to the floor and stood over him. Angelone squeezed his cheeks until he squealed.

I gave Vivian a subtle nod and she resumed untying the binds that held Muriella.

“He’s lying,” Vinny spat.

“No, he’s not.” All eyes went behind me to Donato. Movement stopped as he commanded respect as he had from the first time I’d ever seen him. “The problem is my brother has yet to reveal where he’s hiding it.”

Angelone looked from Donato to me to Vinny. I recognized the second he determined who was telling the truth.