“You promised to fight for me, that you’d give me everything. But you didn’t. You’ve known for at least three months you were going to do this.” I stared at his chest, no longer able to stand looking into his eyes.

He tilted my chin up, forcing me to meet his gaze. “I haveneverbroken a promise to you. I—” He was interrupted by his phone vibrating between us. He hesitated over answering the call. I reached in his pocket and held out the phone. Daniel frowned at the caller ID but kept one arm around me as if he couldn’t let go. He steered me to the edge of the dance floor where there were hardly any guests.

He took the call. “This had better be good.”

I shivered at the threat in his voice. His eyes remained locked on me as he listened to whoever was on the other end. “Anything happens to her, and you die.” He stabbed the END button and dumped the phone back in his pocket.

“What is it?”

“Nothing for you to worry about. I have to leave.”

He started for the exit, but I grabbed his arm. “What’s happening to Muriella?”

He froze. “Nothing is going to happen to her.”

“I know that was about her.”

“I got careless. One of my enemies said if I don’t do as he says, something ‘regrettable’ will happen to her.”

A sick feeling took root in my stomach. “She said she was going straight home.” I blinked, panicked. “Go find Stone. I’ll call her.”

He appeared to be about to argue, but I already had my phone out. “He claims to have her at the apartment.”

I paled, and Daniel took off.

The phone rang and rang, eventually going to voicemail. No worries. Her cell phone wasn’t always glued to her hand. I dialed her apartment.

The phone rang.

Finally it went to voicemail. I ended the call and tried again.

Daniel and Stone approached with wary eyes. I shook my head ruefully. “She’s not answering.”

Chapter Thirty-Four



I am goingto kill that motherfucker.

The thought was on replay in my head as I charged out of the Met, Vivian and Stone on my heels. I’d texted the driver to meet us out front. Vivian had her phone pressed to her ear, her face pale as she continued to call Muriella to no avail.

If something happened to her, I’d never forgive myself. She should never have been in this position in the first goddamn place. But I’d put her there because of the past I couldn’t get away from. Now I was helpless in the back of a limousine, anticipating the worst. As if Muriella hadn’t suffered enough in her life—and it was happening again at my hands. She’d trusted me to take care of her, and I’d failed.

I reached for Vivian’s hand, twining my fingers with hers while she dished out orders for Stone to call his driver. She hesitated only a moment, looking at our hands in wonder. I didn’t deserve it, but her touch was the only thing keeping me from completely losing my shit.

“Don’t do that to yourself,” she said as if she were inside my head, where I was kicking my own ass.

My other hand shook as I unlocked my phone and opened the tracking app. The blinking blue dot was Vivian, and I quickly toggled to Muriella. This wasn’t a hundred percent accurate, but it was close. According to it, she was at the apartment building. I just didn’t know if she was in her apartment or mine.

I fired off a text to Donato demanding he meet us, as Stone wrapped up the call with his driver. I directed ours home.

“The driver took her back to your place after he let us off,” Stone said to Vivian. “She ran up, then came back down with a suitcase. He dropped her off at her apartment. Saw her go into the building.”

“Did you try your apartment?” Vivian asked me hopefully.

I shook my head, and she dialed.