“Then don’t bother with it anymore. You look stunning, but you always do.”

“I was hoping to look better than usual.”

A blush crept up Stone’s cheeks, and he reached for a tumbler filled with ice and whiskey, taking a sip. “He won’t be able to stay away. I guarantee that.” His assurance was good enough for me. “Didyouuse any of that?” His attention was on Muriella. She shook her head. “Which proves my point. Neither of you need any of it.”

She blinked at him and then looked away, never one to readily accept compliments about her looks. She was beautiful, but I think she saw it as a curse instead of a blessing.

I sensed her thoughts were in the same place mine were, and I couldn’t have that. No matter how much time passed, her wounds were still fresh. I took her hand in mine and leaned toward her.

She backed away. “Don’t you dare think about smudging your lipstick,” she scolded sternly.

“M, that’s why there’s a whole tube of it. To replace it when I do this.” I swiftly planted my lips on her cheek, leaving a Fabulous by Chanel outline on her skin. I laughed. She motioned for me to give her my clutch, then dug out the lipstick.

“It’s a good thing I love you,” she said, as I puckered my lips for reapplication.

When she finished, I said, “Come in with us. We can stop and pick up something for you to wear. Or just come in as you are.”

“Not tonight. I’ll be at home, waiting for you.” She patted my leg as the car pulled to a stop in back of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. “I’m furious with Daniel, but if he comes to his senses tonight, I might start to get over it. Go get him,” she said before turning to Stone. “And show us why you’ve won two Academy Awards.”

“Daniel’s going to think Vivian and I are more in love than they ever were.”

“Good. I expect updates.” She shooed us out of the car.

I stuck my head back inside. “M, packhershit up. I’m coming home.”

“Damn right, you are.”

I clutched my heart, and we beamed at each other until I closed the car door.

Stoneand I went in the back door instead of down the red carpet. He wasn’t here for publicity and kept his generosity to charities close to the vest. Stone wanted to help me, but he was also going to help a lot of children with their medical bills tonight. Perhaps even save some lives.

I squeezed his arm. “Thank you for this.”

“I’m doing it for Muriella.”

I grinned at that. “Whatever I can do to help, I will. Just be gentle with her, okay?”

“Do I have a chance?” he asked, showing a rare vulnerability.

“If anyone does, it would be you. Just…don’t give up on her.”

“I can’t.”

The Heart Ballwas in full swing when we arrived. A hostess led us to our table, which also happened to be Daniel’s. I was sure M had arranged that; she wasn’t leaving anything to chance tonight. Daniel and Giselle were already seated. She talked and he pretended to listen. To anyone else, he looked interested, but I knew him, had seen that expression countless times at functions such as this when he was stuck chatting with someone.

Stone had taken my hand in his as we crossed the room, and when the hostess ushered us to our chairs, Daniel’s eyes glinted in surprise. I didn’t miss the quick flick down to where Stone held my hand in his. But that was it. His stony expression gave nothing else away.

The table seated eight, and before we sat we greeted the others, intentionally avoiding handshakes with Daniel and Giselle, saying polite hellos from across the table. Stone held out my chair for me, and I beamed up at him as he kissed my forehead. I wanted to check Daniel’s reaction but refrained, keeping my adoring focus on Stone.

A waiter approached before we’d even settled in our seats. Stone ordered whiskey for himself and champagne for me. I was grateful I didn’t know any of the others at the table. That would have made it a little awkward since Daniel and I had always attended this event together. I didn’t ignore him, feeling that would be too obvious, though I pretended the woman next to me was fascinating.

Actually, shewasinteresting. An older lady, whose husband seemed thrilled to be seated next to Giselle, rattled off story after story of Manhattan in the fifties.

A few times, I let my gaze wander to Daniel, a jolt of giddiness running through me when, more often than not, his focus was on me. Stone was occupied in conversation with the gentleman next to him, but there wasn’t a moment when he wasn’t touching me. He’d whisper silly things in my ear, making me blush or giggle. We did a damn good job of pretending to be lovers, though I wondered if Daniel could see through it. Like I knew him, he knew me. Even though I cared for Stone, he wasn’t Daniel.

After dinner, Stone excused us from the table, and we wandered through the items available in the silent auction. Neither of us put up a bid, eventually making our way to the donation table. A stab of nostalgia engulfed me as I asked for an envelope from the young lady seated behind the table.

And damn me for being foolish, but I asked the girl if she had a larger envelope. She pulled out one about eight by ten in lavish silver. I opened my clutch, took out my phone, identification, and lipstick, and dumped the remaining contents in the envelope. I didn’t know exactly how much it was, though I wished it was more.