Daniel thrust into me without mercy, and I cried out in surprise. “Isthisa waste of time, Vivian?”

“No. God, no. This is why time was invented.”

“Once again, you leave me no choice but to agree with you.” He sounded exasperated, but he looked perfectly happy. I wrapped my legs around his waist, digging my heels into his back, encouraging him to move.

He sank into me balls-deep, and I moaned at how perfect he felt. “You lied to me,” I said as he plunged and retreated.

Daniel fully withdrew and stopped moving, ignoring my cry of protest. “About what?” He looked concerned.

“Youare romantic.”

He relaxed and sank back into me. “I assure you, I am not.” I glanced over his shoulder at the twinkling Christmas tree and mouthed ‘liar’. “Is it a crime to want to make you happy?”

“As long as I do the same for you, then no.” An orgasm stirred, taking me by surprise.

“Are you sure you want to come now, V? Because once you do, I’m going to be right with you,” he promised.

“I don’t have much of a choice,” I said breathlessly.

He withdrew, and the sensation subsided a fraction. “I’m going to teach you to control it, until I can make you come with only a look.” I didn’t believe that was possible but was in no frame of mind to argue. He pumped slowly in and out of me, driving me to the edge of bliss once more. When he sensed that, he withdrew again, and I cursed, but he whispered so softly I could barely hear him. “Trust me. Hold off as long as you can, and when we go over, we’ll fly.”

Three more times he took me to the edge, and on the fourth, he gave me the command to release, and we soared together. His raw pleasure was a sight to behold, intensifying my own. He hadn’t lied to me. The orgasm went on for days, Daniel prolonging it with a flick of his tongue over my sensitive nipples.

“That was beautiful, Vivian.”

I flushed with joy, my body alive, my heart overflowing as we remained joined together. “I love you too.” I dropped the bomb and then kissed his cheek, trying not to laugh at the look on his face.

He blushed, resting his forehead on mine. “You can’t,” he said hoarsely.

“Yes, I can. I do,” I told him.

“Vivian.” He squeezed his eyes shut. “I don’t want you to.”

“You can’t stop me, so don’t even try.” When he opened his eyes, there was pain there I wanted to take away. “Daniel, I’m not trying to hurt you. But I promised you all of me. That’s what you said you wanted. So I’m giving it to you.”

“Please, Vivian,” he pleaded, his voice troubled.

I touched his cheek. “Hey. I’m not going to hide how I feel from you.” My voice was gentle but firm, and he nodded. “If you wanted something meaningless, we wouldn’t be here now.”

“I-I can’t.”

I looked at him with a soft smile. “You already do.” He clung to me, and I held him, listening to his heart drum. “We’re not on desperate ground.”

He lifted his head, surprised at myArt of Warreference. “It feels like I always am,” he confessed.

“Not with me.”

“Especially with you. You’re dangerous for me.”

I brushed my lips across his. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

Chapter Thirty-Two



Thirteen hours.