A pearl of liquid beaded on the tip of his cock, and I greedily licked it. He loosened his grip without releasing me, and I leaned forward, running my tongue down his long, thick shaft and closing my mouth around one of his heavy balls. Daniel hissed, threading his fingers through my hair. This time I traced the throbbing vein under his shaft. I circled the head before sucking it into my mouth. Inching lower, I took him in more slowly this time.

“I’ve never seen anything more beautiful in my life,” he praised. I sucked as I released him, skimming my teeth along the sensitive skin before becoming more aggressive and taking his length back into my mouth.

Daniel cradled my head as I sucked on him. When he nudged the back of my throat, I swallowed, taking him deep. I’d never felt so sexy in my life. Admiration filled his eyes when he eased up and guided me back down. I wanted to make him come, watch him fall apart because of me.

“Enough. I’m too close.” He pulled my head back.

“I wasn’t finished,” I protested.

Daniel laid me on my back and got on top of me. “You’ll have my come soon enough, V, but the first time you do, it’s going to be inside you.”

Daniel slipped a finger inside me, and I moaned as he stroked that sensitive spot. After he added another, he said, “Damn, Vivian. You’re so tight.”

I shut him up by kissing him, and he didn’t stop me, his fingers working in and out of me until I shuddered, my cries of pleasure floating into his mouth.

“Thank you,” I panted when we came up for air.

“For what, V?”

“For making me feel like I never have before.”

“I take it that’s a good thing?”

I’d gotten him to do that small-smile thing, but tried to play it cool. I took his face in my hands. “It’s the best thing.”

Daniel shifted off me, moving to the box of condoms. He hesitated by my shoes, fingering the worn leather. “I have to put them back on.”

“Why?”He couldn’t have changed his mind. I had to have him. We’d already started this, and I wasn’t ready to stop.

“I want you wearing them while I fuck you.”

I stuck my foot out faster than you could say Baryshnikov. He slipped the shoes back on, tore open a condom packet, and rolled it down his length. Immediately, I had visions of him stroking to orgasm, and seeing that in the flesh very soon became a top priority. My stomach dipped as he crawled back on top of me, drawing me back to the moment, the tip of his erection nudging my entrance.

His hair was a mess from my fingers, his eyes bright with desire, shining this intense passion down on me. “Vivian, you’ve ruined me.”

He pushed inside of me, my tight center putting up some resistance. I was reeling from his words and the look on his face, stunned by his free admission. I could see it was true, that look of love intensifying the deeper he drove into me.

When he was fully seated, we both sighed and he stilled, letting our bodies acclimate to one another, though they felt as natural together as breathing.

“Everything,” I whispered.

His eyes widened a fraction before he closed the distance between our mouths. “Everything.”

I welcomed him, holding him snugly in place, gripping him as he withdrew. The pace with which he entered me again was excruciatingly slow. I needed him to take me faster. But he did as he pleased, just like he’d promised, claiming me with every thrust.

“Damn it, Daniel. I need you.” I dug into his back and raised my hips to meet him.

“I know, Vivian,” he soothed, kissing my forehead, slowing even further.


His grin was wicked. He was enjoying every second of this sweet torture. “Do you feel how perfectly we fit together?” His cock filled me so completely, I couldn’t tell where I ended and he began. “You were made for me.”

God, he stole the breath from my lungs. “Youwere made for me,” I corrected with a kiss.

“It is impossible to argue with you when you always have a valid point.” He slid out of me completely and pushed back in.

“Then don’t waste your time doing it,” I said.