

“I need you to make me a promise.”

“I don’t know if I can, but I’ll try.”

“No matter what, you will fight for me. For us. I can’t be with someone who won’t do that.”

He cupped my face, his solemn eyes looking deep into mine. “That’s a promise I can easily make.”

“Then let’s do this like there’s no tomorrow,” I said and he smiled, infinitely more relaxed.

“I’m in.”

Now it was my turn to smile, and he maneuvered me so I was on my back with his body covering mine. As he kissed the tip of my nose, I realized he looked as happy as I’d ever seen him, and a deep satisfaction came over me, knowing I had something to do with that.

“I’d like to be kissed again, please,” I requested.

“Is that all you want?” he asked, chastely brushing his lips across mine.


“What else?” He licked my neck and blew his hot breath on the spot, making a shudder roll through me. I closed my eyes, savoring the feel of his teeth nipping at the sensitive skin. “I asked you a question, Vivian,” he reminded. I hummed, rolling my head to the side to give him easier access.

“What was the question?” He laughed against my ear, the sound tickling me as warmth spread throughout my body. Black diamond eyes looked at me, and my breath caught in my throat. He had me exactly where he wanted me, and I didn’t care one bit.

“What else do you want, Vivian?” He was using that voice on purpose, deep and throaty, and my stomach muscles tightened as my ache intensified.

“You.” Getting that one syllable out was a major accomplishment, especially when he was back working on my neck with that lethal mouth.

“You’re going to have to be more specific,” he taunted, and I groaned, lifting my hips. “With words.”

I gripped his hair and tugged. “I want you to do things to me that I never imagined, to doeverything.”

His eyes danced, full of desire and longing. “I’m glad we’re on the same page, because I will do anything and everything I please to this body, which ismine. You’ve forfeited your last opportunity to get out.”

“I don’t want to get out. And by the way,you’renot going anywhere either.”

“I couldn’t even if I wanted to.” It made me inordinately happy that he would so readily admit that.

“I hope you brought protection,” I said, and a little burst of laughter escaped from him.

“It’s funny you should mention that. Hang on a sec.” He was gone before I could protest, and I flipped over on my stomach, watching him disappear. He returned a second later with an industrial sized box of condoms.

“Expecting much?” I asked, grinning.

“I found this in my suitcase. Apparently Muriella went to Costco.”

“I wish I could have seen her buy those. That tiny little devil with a box bigger than she is.”

He smirked and placed the open package under the tree. Excitement buzzed through me. I wondered now how I’d ever waited all this time for him. He oozed sensuality, those damn three-piece suits like foreplay. But my patience was fresh out. I wanted him to touch me more than I wanted to draw my next breath, so I put my slippered feet in front of him, to move him along.

“Trying to tell me something, Princess?”

“Just that I want you to hurry up,” I said, wiggling my toes.

“We’ll get to that.” Daniel dropped to his knees, then stretched out beside me, and I rolled on my side to face him. “I like you in my clothes, even if they’re too big.”