
There were only two places set on the island, and once I poured everyone a generous glass, I got out another placemat. When Daniel, Muriella, and I ate here, which was most nights, we sat so we could all see each other. I set it up that way and quickly took the lone barstool so M would be forced to sit next to Stone. The glare I got for that was vicious.

She served us omelets and bacon, and Stone said grace before the meal. They were perfect for each other.

“The Heart Ball is Wednesday,” she said, lifting her gaze to mine. It was the event of the year. Always held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, it was a fundraiser to help children with aortic complications. The ball pulled in tens of millions of dollars every year. Daniel was a big contributor because his mother had suffered from heart disease, though he did it anonymously. “I think the two of you should go together,” Muriella finished. “We need to make Daniel jealous. Give him a dose of his own medicine. Seeing you with another man…it would get to him.”

“Is there something you know that you’re not telling?” I asked accusingly.

“He’s not confiding in me, but I know him. There’s something not right about this whole situation. He loves you more than anything, and maybe if he thinks you’re moving on, he’ll come to his senses.” This was Daniel we were talking about. How many times had he reminded me he didn’t do jealous? “It upset you when he did it. I don’t think his reaction will be any different.”

“I’ll do it on one condition,” Stone said. Muriella and I looked at him quizzically. His hot gaze focused solely on M. “You go out on three dates with me.”

She sucked in a breath. “What? No. I-I can’t.” Her rejection was swift, but Stone recovered quickly.

“Sorry I can’t help you out this time, Vivian.”

Damn, he was good. Stone actually had me believing he meant that.

Muriella looked at him, at me, then back at him. “You really won’t go if I say no?”

“Afraid not, darlin’.”

She swallowed hard when he pulled out the big gun—that sexy Texas drawl. No woman was immune to that. “I’ll do it,” she said softly, cheeks flaming. I resisted the urge to pump my fist in the air. Clearly she was uncomfortable, but nonetheless willing to go to great lengths to make sure Daniel and I were happy. Okay, so there were worse things in life than going on three dates with Stone Jacobs, but the point was not lost on me.

Stone didn’t bother to hide his excitement, his smile brighter than the sun. “We’ll go on our first one tonight. We’ve already wasted enough time.” My heart jumped in hope for M at his words. She was affected, though she’d never admit it.

“No date until you go through with your end of the bargain,” she said firmly, spine straight.That’s my girl.

“Fair enough,” Stone said, some of the wind going out of his sails. “Thursday, then. I’ll pick you up for breakfast.”

“Fine,” she said, exasperated. She gave me ayou-owe-melook, and I grinned.

“That’s a pretty damn smart idea you’ve concocted, Muriella,” Stone said, wiping his mouth with his napkin. “If I saw the woman I loved with another man, that would get my ass in gear. But neither of you can get mad at me when he throws a punch and I have to defend myself.”

“I’ll take a big purse so I can carry boxing gloves with me,” I snickered.

We all laughed. Secretly, I hoped Daniel would have some sort of visceral reaction to seeing me with Stone. But it wasn’t likely. Daniel didn’t do jealous.

“I can’t believe I’m letting you two get me involved in this, but it’s for his own good. Daniel can be the most obstinate son of a bitch.”

“Stone,” Muriella chided, and he looked at her, oblivious.

“My apologies, Muriella.”

She nodded, placated. “I’m used to it with that one.” Her eyes cut over to me like a mother to an errant child, and I stuck my tongue out at her. “I’ve got the tickets to the ball in my office. I’ll confirm your names,” she said.

“You’re coming with us,” I insisted.

“No. It’s best if the two of you go without me. But you’re going to have to make it convincing if you want Daniel to believe you’re with each other.”

“Do you think it will work?” I asked, doubt suddenly filling me.If it doesn’t, will that mean it’s really over?

“We have to try,” she said. “Let’s get going so we’re not late to mass.”

The three of us stood, and Stone excused himself to the bathroom. As soon as he was out of earshot, I said, “Are you okay with this?”

She looked away. “Why wouldn’t I be?”