That caught my attention. Donato and I had kept the yellow diamond’s location between us, the rest of the team only getting information as necessary.

“Congratulations,” was the only reply I gave, and his expression turned murderous. He wasn’t going to get a confirmation or denial from me. “Now that you’ve wasted my time…” I waved dismissively.

Vinny had called me three hours ago, insistent we meet. Considering Donato had said he was going to cut him out of the business, warning bells had gone off in my head. I’d agreed to see Vinny, but on my timetable and at my warehouse in Hunts Point. This place made me angry, and though I needed to keep my head on straight, I also wanted some of that rage to fuel me against him. He was up to something, and I halfway hoped he was looking for a fight. In my state of mind, I was game.

I turned to go, not willing to give him another minute of my time. A hand landed on my shoulder after I’d only taken a few steps. I twisted my head toward Vinny. He dropped the hand immediately, going so far as to take a couple of steps back.

“Let me handle the diamond, and I’ll tell you what I know about your father’s death,” he said, and my jaw clenched.

Whatthe fuckwas he up to? “If you want to negotiate with someone, you have to bring something to the table they actually want,” I said, walking away again.

“And what my older brother had to do with it,” he finished, stopping me in my tracks.

“Whatever shit you’re trying to stir, stop it,” I warned with a low rumble.

His eyes glittered in triumph, and now I was nervous around Vinny for a brand new reason. Normally, it was his careless mistakes that set me on edge, but now I could tell he knew something. It was in his eyes.

“Suit yourself,” Vinny returned with a shrug. He brushed past me, bumping my shoulder like a fucking juvenile punk. “But remember, Daniel. You’ve got rose-colored glasses on when it comes to my brother. He wants to make sure you keep them on so he can continue using you as his puppet.”

The metal door slammed shut with his exit, and I searched the room, wild-eyed, for something to punch. There was nothing but empty space. My temper boiling, I snatched my phone out of my pocket and dialed Donato.

“Does Vinny know where the jaune is?” I asked, surprised at how calm I sounded.

“I don’t know,” he answered. Donato was a master manipulator when the circumstances called for it. Vinny had rattled me, and I questioned if I was being lied to. Blood thicker than water, and all that shit.

“He claims he does. I’m curious as to how that’s possible,” I said coldly, struggling to keep the accusation out of my tone.

“You know how resourceful he can be when he chooses,” Donato said smoothly, successfully evading the question.

“I thought he was out.”

“That takes time, Daniel. If I tell him he’s done, that will only make him more volatile. We’ll have to wait until he’s made as a rat.”

That made sense but did nothing to calm my nerves. “I didn’t confirm or deny anything, since I wasn’t sure what you’d told him. If he’s involved, I’m not,” I said firmly. I meant it. I was done with Vinny Salvatore.

“Don’t let your temper guide you. Know your enemy. If you refuse to deal with him, you can’t know what he’s up to and you lose,” Donato reasoned, and my teeth clenched.

“So we proceed as planned?” I gritted out.


“What does he know of the other situation?”

Silence was the only sound in my ear for what felt like an eternity.

“Nothing.” Donato’s voice was deadly quiet, but it held an undercurrent reserved for when he was especially pissed.

“Are you sure about that? Because he seems to think he has information on that front.”

“What kind of information?” he asked in a clipped tone.

“I acted like I don’t give a fuck. You know how he is when he thinks he has something you want.” I paced in a circle, the click of my shoes echoing off of the metal walls. “Any idea how much time we have now?”

Donato let out a frustrated sigh. “My source doesn’t know. He’s dragging his feet, so a couple of weeks maybe.”

“I haven’t heard anything on my end, either. Let me know before anything happens.”

I ended the call, uneasy. Donato had never given me a reason to question him, but my inability to trust completely was fucking with me. I felt like a pawn in a long-ass game of chess, and as much as I hated it, Vinny’s comments had shaken me. There was probably some partial truth in them.