“I haven’t seen it, so we’ll both be surprised,” he said, already moving me down the center hallway to the bedrooms. “Everything you need should be in there.” He pointed at a built-in chest of drawers and then backed out, closing the door behind him.

Curious, I opened the top drawer. There were only two items in it—a T-shirt from the 1997 US Open and a pair of plaid pajama bottoms that appeared to be well worn. This woman and I were cut from the same cloth, and I sent her a silent thank you for knowing exactly what I would like.

When I returned to the main cabin, Daniel did a double take when he saw my attire. I swear he cursed Muriella’s name under his breath, but I was too far away to hear for certain. These items were personal to him. I knew that the instant I saw them, but as soon as I’d slipped them on, it felt right. I noticed, though, that he hadn’t changed out of his jeans and shirt.

“This is supposed to be a pajama party,” I said, playfully patting his cheek a couple of times.

“Princess, I don’t wear pajamas.” That sent a tremor through me that sparked a fever. “Now come with me. I want to show you my favorite spot.” He didn’t wait for a response, simply took my hand as if he had the right and led me through the plane.

The room was dim and had a dark chocolate sectional sofa with a giant ottoman in front of it and enough pillows to stock a Bed, Bath, and Beyond. The wall across from the sofa appeared to be a giant video screen. I flopped down on the sofa, making myself at home, and he walked over to a built-in control panel near the screen, bringing it to life.

“Super Mario Bros!” I said as the game credits started. Daniel tossed me a controller, which I caught with one hand, impressing him with my reflexes. “I’m Mario.”

“I don’t think so,” he said, sinking down next to me.

“Aren’t you trying to impress me?” I asked, turning my head toward him.

He looked me square in the eyes. “No. Just because I’ve let you have your way most of the time, doesn’t mean I always will,” he cautioned before returning to the game, setting it up in two-player mode.

“It doesn’t matter if I’m Mario or Luigi. I’m still going to kick your ass.”

“You think so?”

“I know so.” I clapped my hands and rubbed them together with glee. “I haven’t played this game in forever.”

“Neither have I.”

That familiar music started, and since he was Mario, he got to go first. I patiently awaited my turn, living up to all the boasting I was doing.

My excitement grew when we got to the third world, and I was up. Daniel was beyond impressed I knew the trick to rack up an infinite amount of lives; the surprised look on his face was priceless. I gave him a knowing smile, and he shook his head as if nothing I did could catch him unawares at this point.

“All right, I’ll bite,” he said. “How did you get so good?”

“Not too shabby for agirl, am I?” I couldn’t stop grinning. “How did you know I loved this game?”

“I asked you a question first,” he said, concentrating on the screen. “Shit.” He’d almost jumped into a green pipe with one of the things that popped up and spit fire. “You’re all right,” he conceded, capturing the flag to get to the next level.

“The only kids close to my age in the neighborhood where I grew up were the boys next door. If I couldn’t keep up, they wouldn’t let me play.”

“Bet that changed as you got older.”

I cut my eyes over to Daniel and missed a jump over a beetle, turning back into a little Luigi. “Damn.”

Daniel snickered. “If you’d been my daughter, I sure as hell wouldn’t have let you play with the boys next door.”

“My parents didn’t care.” I found a mushroom in the game and got big again. “Unless I interfered with their plans.”

“What plans?” Daniel’s tone turned serious.

I finished my level and tossed the controller on the sofa beside me. I studied him for a moment as he started his turn. Did I want to get into this with him? I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my chin on top.

“Apparently, we still live in the sixteenth century in Texas,” I started dryly, “because once I was old enough, my parents arranged a marriage for me.”

Daniel paused the game, his eyes fierce when he looked at me. “You’re married?”

I wrinkled my nose. “God, no. But if it were up to them, I would be.”

“That’s why you came to New York,” he surmised.