“You’re right.” Daniel stiffened beside me as we entered the room.

Muriella and Stone snapped their heads toward us, though neither looked apologetic.

“Are we interrupting the second date?” I asked, trying to inject a little levity.

“Nah. This doesn’t count as one. Muriella’s getting a bonus,” Stone said, going along with me, much to my relief. He pushed off the counter to greet us, shaking Daniel’s hand and clapping his shoulder. He kissed my cheek while Muriella ignored the whole thing. “Want a beer?” he asked as if we were in his home, and I stifled a smile.

“We’re having champagne,” I informed him. Stone made a face just to aggravate me. “You’re drinking some too. We have things to celebrate.”

“I’m all for it,” he returned good-naturedly, heading to the refrigerator to pull out the good stuff.

“Have you heard anything?” M demanded, without looking up from the saucepan on the burner.

I started to speak, but Daniel beat me to it, so I moved to the cabinets to retrieve four glasses. “Free and clear on all charges.”

Muriella froze, her expression blank. Daniel gripped the edge of the counter. “That’s good news.” Her voice was as flat as her face. I looked to Stone for help, but he gave me a noncommittal shrug.

“You sound like you’d rather I wasn’t going to be around.” Daniel gave her a tentative smile. She didn’t return it.

“You know that’s not true.”

“Muriella, I didn’t mean to hurt you, I just…” he trailed off.

“Well, you did, but you don’t need me to tell you that.”

This was a side of Muriella I definitely wasn’t used to. Daniel looked at me helplessly. I didn’t know how to fix this. I couldn’t stand to see the two people I loved most so distanced from each other.

So I opted to try to lighten things up again. “You sneak!” I said as I retrieved a serving platter for the beef tenderloin I’d spied roasting in the oven. “Look what she’s been hiding from us.” I held up a half-empty bag of Mars bars and tossed Daniel a piece and then one to Stone before digging in myself.

“It’s been crisis mode around here,” she justified, swiping for the bag. I held it out of her reach, and Daniel snatched it. Muriella went after it, but he held it above her head. She was too petite to even have a shot at getting it, which didn’t mean she didn’t try. Daniel tossed the bag to Stone, who hid it behind his back. She charged him and held out her hand. “I just want one piece.”

“How bad, darlin’?” he asked, cocking his head, one of those dark brows lifting.

Muriella let out a little growl before moving back to the beef tenderloin. I brought the serving platter over to her and bumped her hip with mine.

Daniel held out his hand, a piece of candy in the center of his palm. She appeared uncertain before plucking the peace offering. He gave her a hopeful smile. She didn’t return it, shoving the candy in her mouth.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Stone put the bag of candy in a cabinet M wouldn’t be able to reach without a stepladder. I made a mental note to hide the ladder so she’d have to beg him for the chocolate. And she would. Mission temporarily accomplished. The mood in here wasn’t quite so stifling anymore.

“I think it’s time to do some celebrating,” Stone said, pouring champagne and handing each of us a glass.

“I’ll drink to that,” I said, accepting the champagne flute with a meaningful nod. “To health, happiness, love, and family.”

We clinked glasses and tossed the bubbles down our throats.

“Um, Vivian. I don’t know how I missed it, but what the hell is that on your finger?” Stone said, gawking at my diamond.

“Exactly what it looks like.” I held out my left hand, feeling giddy as I watched the black diamond sparkle in the light. All eyes were on the ring, admiring it. Muriella and I hadn’t even had a chance to be girls about it.

“I’ve agreed to be her husband,” Daniel said, eyes bright with mischief.

“I thought I agreed to be your wife,” I argued.

“When’s the big day? Why haven’t I been invited yet?” Stone asked, doing his best to sound put out.

I swatted Daniel in the arm. “I thought we were supposed to get married today?”

Daniel glazed right over me. “Actually, I haven’t discussed this with Vivian—”