“On the bed.Hands on your thighs.”

She shivered when I spoke to her back. The look she tossed at me over her shoulder had my dick pressing against my zipper. I kicked the bedroom door closed, and her steps faltered before she moved toward our mattress. She was here. The outside world had no place, so I shut it out.

Vivian vaulted onto the mattress. Before she could do as I asked, I flipped her over and tugged her hips until her ass was on the edge of the bed and her feet dangled toward the floor. Wide-eyed, she watched as I dropped to my knees.

“Are you asking me to marry you again?”

I smirked. “I’ll ask as many times as I damn well please.”

“And I’ll say yes every time.”

I knew this was true. She amazed me. I’d fucked us all to hell, and yet she was still with me. I palmed her jean-clad calf and ran my hand up to her thigh. Touching her was like a new experience every single time. She had on too many clothes, but I’d been deprived; I refused to rush this.

I pressed my hands into the tops of her legs to steady the slight tremble I couldn’t seem to control. My whole world was right here. Knowing what it felt like to lose her made me appreciate the gift she was all the more.

“I can’t put my hands on my thighs if yours are there,” she whispered, completely affected along with me.

“You don’t really want to do what I say anyway.” A husky tease laced my voice.

She threaded her fingers through my hair. My lids shuttered, a tremor running through me at the feel of her hands on me.


I blinked open and looked up at her. She was seduction and strength. The reason for every breath I took.

“We’re home, Princess.” Her eyes glassed over, and I swallowed past the lump in my throat. “I’m sorry I hurt you, Vivian.”

“We’re here now. That’s all that matters.” She massaged my scalp with her fingernails, and I rested my head in her lap. I clung to her like a child instead of a full-grown man.

I couldn’t inhale enough of her scent. Her smell was sweet, so familiar. She eased all the parts of me that were in knots. “I know you touched yourself on my pillow.” Her fingers stilled. “I hid it from Muriella so I could sleep on it.”

She resumed, and I tightened my hold on her.

“I couldn’t let you forget me.”

I smiled at the steel in her tone and looked up at her. “Not a chance.” I can’t erase my soul.”

I cradled her foot and traced around the edge of her slipper. Those slippers transported me back to the beginning, but Vivian captivated me even more now, which seemed impossible.

I slipped them off of her feet, reverently placing them near the foot of the bed.

Her lips curved up. “Will those be going back on?”

“You’ll just have to wait and see.”

She leaned back on her palms as if in no hurry to find out. Her puckered nipples stabbing at her shirt and throbbing pulse at the base of her neck betrayed that she was as eager as I was.

“I like this look. You on your knees before me,” she said saucily.

“That’s nothing new.” I trailed my fingers up her slender legs until they reached the button of her jeans. She lifted off the mattress as I unfastened them. I easily took her jeans and panties to her ankles in one swift movement.

The sight of her bare and the scent of her arousal made me lose control. My motions were jerky as I stripped her pants and flung them behind me. I shoved her knees apart and buried my face between her thighs.

“There is no substitute for this.”

“I should think not.” Her voice was breathy as she fisted the comforter.

I cupped her ass and dragged her to the edge of the mattress. Unable to wait a moment longer, I pressed kisses along her lower lips. Her stomach contracted. She fought to stay still, failing miserably when I licked up the swollen seam of her cunt.