I had carte blanche to use anything he had—vehicles, property, connections. It was only fair he had at least some access to my things.

“No.” I shoved open the car door and stepped out on the decaying sidewalk.

Donato easily moved in beside me. “You’re here to get your answers. To hear his account. Once he’s done talking, you’ll leave.”

I slowed my steps and glanced at him. “Is it difficult?” He would kill his brother, and maybe it was a stupid question, but Donato made everything look so damn easy.

“Sometimes, yes. Many times, no.” He checked his watch and shoved his hand in his pocket. “If I don’t take care of this, the problem will only grow. We’re in this current predicament because I’ve hesitated.”

“What if he wasn’t your brother?”

Donato’s gaze went cold. “I’d put a bullet between his eyes while eating a ham sandwich.”

I stopped and looked down at the sidewalk, taking a moment to collect my thoughts before I lifted my eyes to his. “Do you need me in there?” I nodded toward the warehouse.

“No. I only want you to have your peace of mind.”

I nodded and kicked at a chunk of loose concrete. “Then I’m going to go. I don’t need a rehashing of the things he’s done. And as much as I want to kill him myself, I won’t.”

He clapped my shoulder. “Your mother would be so proud of the man you’ve become.” He blinked at me a few times. “I’m proud.”

“I wouldn’t be who I am or where I am without you,” I admitted.

“Neither would I.” My eyes rounded, and he gave me a sharp squeeze. “Can I trust you won’t play hero again, at least until I get this taken care of?” Underneath his tease, there was gratitude.

“I think I’ll just focus for now on how to keep us both free.”

He smiled before his expression turned serious. “No one has ever done for me what you did.”

“It’s the right thing,” I said solemnly.

“No. It’s not. But I appreciate it.” He pointed his chin down the street. “Go. Get out of here. Valentina will have supper ready at seven this evening. There’s always a place set for you.”

My throat clogged. I didn’t know the open invitation meant that his wife always expected me at their table.

“You know where to find me if you need me.”

He gripped my shoulder one more time and took off toward the warehouse. I moved in the opposite direction without waiting to watch him go inside. Vinny was a major thorn in my side, but I had bigger problems to deal with now. Namely, if there was any way to avoid prison without sending Donato in my place.

Chapter Thirty-Eight



After Daniel left,I sat on the bathroom counter for a long time. I was finally home, but it wasn’t the victory I’d expected. Daniel was going to prison.Prison.

I could hardly come to grips with the sacrifice he’d made, yet I wasn’t surprised at all. The man loved harder than anyone I knew, though he’d had a strange way of showing it lately.

I shoved off the counter. Muriella was expecting us. I had no idea how long Daniel would be, and I didn’t want to be alone anyway.

I staggered down the steps of the stairwell with the weight of his confession, making it to the landing between Daniel’s and Muriella’s floors before my legs gave way. I slid down the wall, and once I was on the ground, I hugged my knees to my chest. My eyes felt like I’d been swimming with them open in salt water, and I blinked as rapidly as I could to stop the tears from falling.

I will not cry. I will not cry. I will not cry.

If I started now, I wouldn’t ever stop. I rocked back and forth, like that would squelch the ache inside me, but it didn’t help.
