“As soon as you’re better, they will.” JoJo sounded far too rational. “And if you keep pushing yourself, the longer that’s going to be.”

“When did you become a doctor?” I muttered.

She gave me an unimpressed look.

“At least give me a kiss to make my boo-boos better.” I puckered my lips.

She chastely brushed her mouth against mine.

“I guess that will do.” It wasn’t the kind of kiss I wanted, but I hadn’t exactly been a good patient.

“Behave, and you’ll get more.”

I reached for my glass of water, wincing when I lifted my arm. Shouldn’t some of this pain subside soon?

JoJo hurried to get the cup for me and held the straw to my lips.

“At least I know you’ll take good care of me when I get old.”

She snorted. “Who says I’ll be around?”

“I do.”

She leaned over the bed. “How are you going to make sure of that?”

“I’ll get creative.”

She kissed my nose. “Good.”

“Any word on . . .” I couldn’t speak her name, let alone think it.

Whitley had brought me a new phone since the police had my old one. JoJo had taken over texting with Elliott on the burner phone he’d had delivered to the hospital so we could speak more freely.

“No. They haven’t found her.” A line creased her brow.

“They will.”

Someone had to.

How had she escaped in the first place? The events of the other night were fuzzy, especially after I was shot, but I distinctly recalled seeing her unmoving body on the concrete.

What had happened when the police arrived? I needed to talk to Elliott about that. Alma was supposed to have eyes on her at all times. I understood the guy needed to be scarce when the cops showed up, but he was trained to be a shadow.

“I keep making mistakes.” I balled my fist and welcomed the sharp pain up my arm.

“You can’t control her.”

I lowered my voice. “I had a choice to involve the police or not.”

“There was no way to know they’d blame us.”

We hadn’t been officially charged because there was nothing to charge us with. Except Alma had disappeared. And they hadn’t ruled out murder.

JoJo and I were number one suspects.

“This could be over.”

Instead, we were still worried over when she might show up and what she would do.