Though it was dark, a light shined into the water. Dark to blood red.

A body was above me.

I blinked to see the face.

Alma? Had she fallen in?

I flapped my arms, trying to get closer.

Then the face I loved became clear.


Oh no, Kane.

He was unmoving as the cloud of red grew, creating an eerie coloring beneath the surface.

I have to get to him.

He sank toward me.

I struggled to meet him, but it was useless. My body couldn’t make progress. If anything, I was making my situation worse.

I couldn’t hold my breath much longer.

A wave of dizziness rocked me.

Alma had killed Kane. And me.

And if she had her way . . . Penelope.

I wouldn’t let her take my life away.

Kane couldn’t be dead.

I had to fight.

But I couldn’t breathe. And it was getting darker . . . so much darker.




It filled my entire body and sucked me in.


Everywhere there was pain.

I opened my eyes.

JoJo seemed to be tethered to a rope, pulling her down to the bottom of the river.

I stuck my head above the surface. Coughed and spluttered as I tried to take in air.

When I dove beneath the water, pain seized my arms and legs and back.