“Ohhh,” he whispered back and winked. “But you told Elliott to let her go.”

“I might want him to get her back.”

Whitley tossed the pen and caught it. He threw it up again, and I grabbed it midair and put it out of his reach.

He pulled another from his briefcase. “I understand what you’re thinking. But be smart, man. She’s put you through enough hell. Don’t let her turn you into someone you’re not.”

I leveled him with a stare. “That’s the thing. I’m not so sure she is.”



A blackness surrounded me.

My limbs were heavy and keeping my eyes open seemed to require all my strength.

Where am I?

I sat up.

A sliver of light filtered under the door.

The familiarbeep-beepwas muffled from the other side.


I slung my legs over the bed.

If that machine was working, she was here. And alive.

I threw open the door and nearly collapsed.

There she was. Peaceful and unconscious, but breathing.

Kane stood. “They just brought her back. She’s stable again. They stopped the internal bleeding.”

I sagged against him in relief.

Then I staggered toward her bedside. “Don’t you ever scare me like that again,” I whispered. “I died, Penelope. Oh sweetheart, I died too.”

I still wasn’t sure this was real. Everything seemed in place, but I felt groggy.

“I asked the doctor if this would affect her waking up.” Kane stepped beside me, his nearness warming my cold body. “He didn’t have an answer.”

“Can’t you lie to me?” My voice was pained. “Just tell me he said she’s going to be fine.”

“You’d hate me if I did.”

He was right. And I hated that.

Dr. Ellis strode in, chart in hand. He barely acknowledged us as he made a beeline straight for Penelope.

Wordlessly, he checked the machines and the IV. When he was satisfied, he examined Penelope from head to toe.

“Today was a setback, but it can be overcome.”

I wasn’t sure if he was talking to us or Penelope, but the words gave me hope where there had only been despair.