And all the love we could give.

He needed everything from me.

“You’re not alone.”

“Can I have you?”


He took my breath away.

We were so right.

How could he do this to me? Make me feel everything I’d ever wanted.

For this small sliver of time, I let go of the mess surrounding us. I focused completely on Kane . . . on myself.

I need you.

I can’t be alone in this.

His confessions sent me to a place I’d never been.

The only sound was our ragged breathing.

And thebeep-beepof the ventilator.

Reality crashed back in with a vengeance.

Kane rubbed my back as held me close. “There’s nothing to feel guilty about.”

Part of me knew that. But the other part was disappointed in myself for enjoying something while Penelope couldn’t. My sole focus should be her. And our behavior was completely inappropriate.

He tipped my chin up. “She’d want us to do this.”

Somehow, that made me smile. “She would.”

Kane could make me angry. He could hurt me. But he could also comfort me in a way no one else could.

I slid my arms around his waist, needing to feel him close again. “I love you,” I mumbled.

He cupped the back of my head. “Barn,” he whispered.

“Only you.” I hugged him harder to emphasize my point.

“My side,” he said gruffly.

Oh Kane.

“Your side. Always.”



“I’mpleased with the way her lacerations are healing.”

Dr. Hotshot examined Penelope’s head a little too long for my liking.