Her arms snaked around my neck. With her touch, I’d never felt more cherished, appreciated . . . wanted.

“We’ll do it again in the laundry room one day,” I promised against her lips.

“We’re not taking our honeymoon there?” She kissed me again.

“I’d guess we’re the only people who ever had their honeymoon in a hospital.”

She twined her fingers through my hair, her expression soft. “I hope every day is a honeymoon, wherever we are.”

I kissed her forehead. “I think we can make that happen.”

“Penelope has a wedding gift for you.”

I looked at my daughter, who was happy despite being bedridden. She radiated joy. How did I end up with such a kind and giving daughter?

JoJo handed me an envelope. I tore it open and scanned the page.

I snapped my head up, staring at Penelope, then JoJo. My eyes stung.

Penelope was an adult. Technically, I had no paternal rights. She was of legal age, and it wasn’t necessary.

But she’d had Whitley draw up papers, claiming me as her father and officially changing her last name to Cunningham-Zegas.

Something wet landed on the paper. I swiped at my eyes.

“When? How?” I asked in stunned shock.

“While you were sleeping.” JoJo grinned.

I kissed Penelope’s cheek. “Thank you, Lamb. You don’t know what a gift this is.”

I caught a tear that leaked from her eyes. She blinked three times.I love you.

I cleared my throat. “Love you too. So much.” I turned to JoJo. “Both of you.”

In one day, both of my girls had become mine . . . legally.

I was the luckiest man on the planet.

“Dance!” someone shouted.

“I just got out of bed two days ago,” I said as I pulled JoJo into my arms.

“You’re crazy.” Pure affection was in her tone.

“Crazy about you.”

She smacked me in the chest. “What am I going to do with you?”

“Love me for eternity.”

She cupped my cheeks. “I can most definitely do that.”

“We’re even.”

Her brows furrowed. “How?”

“I saved your life. And you saved mine.”