“Fine, I’ll go,” he said before I could answer. “Hit me with your worst.” He cracked his knuckles.
I found myself relaxing at the silly gesture.
“Why did you marry Alma?”
His shoulders tensed. “Is that really what you want to know? More than anything?”
I didn’t like the disappointment in his tone. Was that what I wanted to know?
“Why not just divorce her? Why did you abuse her?” I blurted.
He leapt off the dryer and whirled around to face me. “Abuse? That’s a hell of an accusation.”
“She told me about the mind games—”
“Mind games? The queen of mind games told youIwas the one playing them on her?” He turned his back to me. “Unbelievable,” he muttered.
My sister was manipulative, but I’d experienced his two sides myself. For the first time I was uncertain. But wasn’t that what someone who excelled at head games did?
“She had me down the aisle before I could think the wordmarriage. And the second she had my ring on her finger, she became a different person. A demanding, if she didn’t get her way she’d make my life a living hell kind of person.”
His breaths became shallow.
I knew that Alma too. She always got her way. Always.
“Why stay with her? I don’t understand.”
And what if he wasn’t telling the truth? Alma said he constantly worked and when he wasn’t he was out doing whatever he pleased... which I assumed meant with other women and she’d confirmed. He would say terrible things to her, wouldn’t give her the money she needed, and didn’t allow her to have friends. Every time she called, she said she’d snuck away so he wouldn’t know.
“We had a prenup, but it’s irrelevant since I made most of what I have after we were married. No way was I giving her half of everything I earned.”
“Maybe it would have been worth it.”
He glared. “Call me naive, but I hoped the woman I’d dated would show back up. I didn’t love her, but we had fun. She wasn’t completely intolerable.”
“But you cheated on her,” I said, growing irritated. Instead of clearing up the situation, I was becoming more confused.
“Icheated? Is that what she told you?” he roared.
Cool, calm Kane was nowhere to be found. This was angry Kane. And he was pissed.
I nodded. “You flaunted your girlfriends in front of her.”
“I have never cheated on Alma. Never. She’s had lover after lover and is now living with her boyfriend. We never had a relationship for me to cheat.”
I recoiled like he’d slapped me. “She doesn’t have a boyfriend.” I snapped my mouth shut. I didn’t know that. And this was the second time he’d said that. The first time it hadn’t registered.
In my mind, my sister had boundaries she wouldn’t cross and infidelity was one of those. But I hadn’t been around. I only had her word to go on.
Alma had been there for me during a hard time. She’d encouraged me to keep living and helped me find my peace.
But then she’d... done things I’d never understood.
How was I supposed to just forget the sister I knew and believe a man I didn’t trust?
Both of them had done dishonest things.
No. That wasn’t fair. I mostly knew Alma’s side of the situation, so I only viewed their relationship from that vantage point.