Well, almost unconditionally. If I could save Earth from New York City, they’d be much happier.

“I know. But we saved six thousand acres of sequoia forest from being pillaged by that greedy resort company.”

“I saw it in the paper.”

I kissed Grandpa’s cheek. “Thank you for making the phone call to the governor.”

I tried to keep who I really was and where I came from a secret to the groups I worked with, though I wasn’t above calling in favors from my family when I needed them. No one needed to know it wasmygrandfather who’d helped stop the destruction of the wilderness of Northern California.

I never wanted credit. Just results. That was all that mattered.

“Just in time for lunch,” Daddy called.

I wandered back to the table arm in arm with my grandparents. For a brief moment, I’d forgotten about the intruder on our family holiday.

Until I was slapped in the face by my sister in a lip-lock with the devil . . . at the table.

Ugh. It was totally inappropriate.

What kind of man makes a first impression like that with someone’s family? Shouldn’t he at leasttryto make it look like he wasn’t banging my sister?

I averted my gaze.

No one else seemed to be paying them any mind. As if it were normal to have two adults making out like teenagers at the lunch table.

I moved toward one of the empty chairs away from the devil.

“No, no, Earth Warrior. I want you to sit by me.” Daddy motioned me over.


At least I could scoot my chair over and turn my back to Kane. Not that he’d be paying me any attention.

What have you got hiding underneath there?

Last night he’d made me feel exposed. Unfeminine. His question had rattled my acceptance of myself. I might have been a flower child, but I wasn’t into free love . . . not like that anyway.

Every time you see a man in his boxers, you’ll be comparing him to me. And he won’t measure up.

As much as I didn’t want to admit it, he wasn’t wrong. I had no man to compare him to—and I’d felt the question to my core, which had cobwebs over it, it had been so long.

Irritation tingled through me. He hadn’t been flirting. He’d been . . . blatant. And he was my sister’s boyfriend.

What kind of jackass would walk around in his boxers in someone else’s house and have a conversation like it was nothing out of the ordinary?

Please be done with him soon. Please be done with him soon.

Like today.



“I didn’t realizebarns could change colors so quickly.”

Her fork clattered to her plate.

I affected this woman. And I liked it. Because I most certainly didn’t like her.