A million years ago . . . (not really, but it just seems like it)

“You should hangthose on a line to dry.”

I paused as I tossed my pants into the avocado-green dryer and slowly turned my head.

Without standing, my view was of a midsection covered in a garment that looked like a florist had thrown up on it then ironed it into the fabric.

The dress was so loose I couldn’t tell the shape of whatever was underneath, though judging from the smoky timbre of the voice, it was a woman.

As I straightened, I caught sight of bare toes peeking from the dress. Hot pink. They clashed with the dress, a complete contradiction.

I gestured out the window of the laundry room. “You must not have noticed, but it’s raining outside.”

To emphasize my point, a bolt of lightning streaked across the darkened sky, followed by thunder that shook the massive house.

The slightest squeak escaped the woman as she grabbed the doorjamb.

I tilted my head.Are you afraid of a little storm?

She had a canary-yellow scarf rolled up and tied in her hair like a headband, the ends poking out of her long, dark locks.

I had the sudden urge to pull on the silk just to see what she’d do. Despite her style, she was attractive, and it was rare a woman resisted my charm.

She white-knuckled the doorjamb. “Of course I know it’s raining.”

Her gaze flicked to my boxers and drifted down my legs.

Still irresistible.

Even to a woman who seemed stricter and more buttoned-up than a schoolhouse nun.

“You shouldn’t wander around other people’s homes indecent.” She lifted her eyes but couldn’t help taking another dip to where my button-down shirt hung open.

I smirked. “Indecent? Sweetheart, if you think this”—I motioned down my body—“is indecent, you need to live a little.”

Those smooth, tanned cheeks turned red as she crossed her arms over her chest. At least I thought it was her chest. It was in the vicinity but hard to tell with that thing she was wearing.

I pointed at her and shielded my eyes with my other hand. “You want to talk about indecent. What the hell is that anyway?”

A little huff of air escaped her perfect nose. “A dress.”

The word was like a dagger.

I grinned. “Looks more like a barn to me.”

Her green eyes rounded. Green—that didn’t seem good enough. More like greenish-golden. Whatever they were, they were pissed off . . . and stunning.

I pretended to look around her. “What have you got hiding underneath there?”

“You . . .” Her face was an unhealthy shade of red now. And I was pretty sure she was about to maul me.

My smile broadened. “What? Handsome devil? Charming prince?”

The woman who’d been afraid of storms a second ago had forgotten all about that. The growl that bubbled from the back of her throat was ferocious.