Eight Weeks To Go…
Thrust right back into the thick end of shit, Bobby and I started back at work right after that phone call, business as usual, but with a sadistic twist. With only ten weeks notice to prepare for his fight, Bobby’s been at the gym nonstop in an effort to catch up. Like the flip of a switch, his food consumption has changed dramatically. No more pizza, no more drinking, no more anything except clean protein and carbs. Spending more than a hundred and twenty hours in the gym in just the last two weeks alone, his world has been tipped on its head compared to the honeymoon we just had and the month of slothing around.
When he’s at home, he’s eating or sleeping. That’s our new reality until October twelfth, and that’s the way it’s supposed to be.
I refuse to sabotage him – I did enough of that last year. I vow that I’ll support his every need, I’ll cook for him, I won’t make him worry about a thing, and I’ll rub his sore muscles at night in the few minutes we have before he passes out.
If he loses this fight, or worse, doesn’t fight at all, he’ll be done. They won’t give him another chance in the octagon.
This was his life before I came along and shook everything up. This is the life I married into with my eyes wide open. I want to fix this; I need to fix this for him.
Obviously Bobby’s offer to train me one-on-one had to be taken back, but it’s not so bad. I’ve been working with Iz, since she can’t train as hard as usual either, and thankfully, she’s been working weights into our routine to help strengthen my shoulder.
Despite her young age, she has a lifetime of experience and knowledge on training, which is awesome for me, since the guys are basically in lockdown mode. Between Jim and Bobby, no one has time to scratch their ass, and though the contenders are the ones making the most gains, Jon and Aiden aren’t going unaffected by the extra training.
Six-packs and muscly shoulders are everywhere.
Zero complaints.
I look up with a smile when Tink walks along the sidewalk toward the table I flopped into and called dibs on. I got to the diner twenty minutes early to claim a table in the shade, because the August sun hurts like Hades. It’s a girl’s day, the first with Tina and Evie since we got back from Europe. Brunch for five, at ten in the morning so Tina has time to get Evie home for a midday nap.
“Hey, Kitkat.” Tink flops into the chair opposite me with a loud grunt that shouldn’t come from such a small girl.
I laugh and push a fresh water toward her. “Hey. Have a drink.”
“Thanks.” She leans forward and grabs at the refreshing cold instantly. “What’s happening?”
“Nothing. I’m lonely. The guys are always at the gym, so I’m lonely. Needed girl time.”
“I know. It’s quiet everywhere. It’s like a desert town without the guys around.” She sips and closes her eyes with an indecent ‘ah.’ Her green eyes flutter open like that water has magic ‘in your panties’ abilities. “Eight weeks to go, then everything goes back to normal.”
“I guess. I think the worst part is the fact they’re juggling both guys. I don’t think that’s ever happened before, and it’s messing with their heads trying to keep everything running smoothly – including the gym.”
“Jon’s been extra quiet.”
I smirk. “You not getting laid, Tink?”
She rolls her eyes and sits back to fan her face. “I never get laid. It’s a desert town down there, too.”
“Mmhmm. Sure.”
She rolls her eyes again. “I don’t know why you keep fishing for information. He’s just my friend. That’s it. We’ve hooked up. We’ve had our fun. But friends is all we are.” She looks away to peek into the diner windows. “Barely.”
“Back up. You’vehooked up,hooked up?”
She throws a balled-up napkin at my head and laughs. “You’re an idiot. Yeah, we’vehooked up,hooked up. I know what his dick looks like. But that’s it. We’re not looking for forever.”
“Why what?” she huffs impatiently. “We’re friends. Good friends. But that’s it. We’re happy the way things are. Not everyone wants what you and Bobby have, you know? I bet Jimmy and Iz wish they didn’t feel what they feel. It hurts like a fucking bitch when it’s not as perfect as what you have.”
“But it doesn’t have to hurt. If you’re both on the same page, if you both work for it, being in love is an amazing feeling.”
“Whatever. It is what it is. Zip it, or I’ll spit in your tea.”