Page 59 of Finding Victory

Her words have me antsy and excited, but I don’t miss the way Jim grunts painfully at the mention of Iz. As far as I know, he hasn’t seen or spoken to her since the night of her announcement. He’s not trying to hurt her, he just can’t cope right now. I have no clue what’s going to happen today. They’ll see each other for the first time when the girls walk the aisle.

“Ah, it’s probably best if you open this alone.” She sheepishly hands me the bag and shoots a shy glance at Jimmy, but he simply recovers from his Iz moment and grins wolfishly.

“I know what’s in there!” He clutches his stomach when Christina pales. “Holy shit, Bobby. A last-minute gift, indeed.”

“Howee shit…”

His laughter cuts off in an instant at the adorable little girl’s curse word, and when Christina and I look at him, his face pales.

He’s in trouble. Big, big trouble.

Tina looks ready to spit fire.

“You must be Jimmy, right?” she spits dangerously. “I’ve heard about the younger, louder,allegedlyfunny brother. They all said ‘Jimmy’s the cute one. He looks just like Bobby, but funnier.’”

I frown. “Hey! I’m funny.”

“Listen.” Jim steps back. “I’m so sor–”

“You just taught my daughter her first swear.”

“Sh– I’m so sorry. Honestly,” he stammers.

“I heard you were cool, man. Two years, and I’ve yet to teach her a swear. I mean, we all like to swear, okay? It’s therapeutic, but I didn’t teach her anything. Twenty seconds after you meet her, you have her swearing!”

“I’m really sorry. Jesus, don’t tell the girls what I did. They’ll maim me.”

She pokes him in the chest. “I’ll be telling them, James. I hope they burn you at the stake.” Then she turns to me. “Bobby, enjoy your gift. Have a wonderful wedding day, tell Kit I said she looks beautiful. I’ll see y’all when you get back from the mystery honeymoon. I’ll let myself out.”

And just like that, the two blondes stalk down the hall and leave Jimmy wetting his pants with fear. “You’re in so much fucking trouble.” I laugh and walk away from the door. Sitting on my bed with my gift, I grin like a fool. “Now get the fuck out. Apparently I need to open this –alone.”

He walks away with angry grumbles and slams the door on the way, but I don’t give a shit about my sulking brother. I desperately rip the bag open and pull out the fancy black box with gold ribbon.

Someone taped an envelope on the front, and peeling it free with shaking hands, I open the handwritten letter and swallow heavily.


Well, first off, I love you. I really want you to know that.

I’m so happy you chose me, and despite all the hurdles we’ve had to overcome, we’re still here, together, stronger than ever. Thank you for being so amazing, thank you for accepting Jack, and thank you for honoring me with your family and your name.

If I were given a pen and paper and told to list exactly the traits I’d want in the man I spend the rest of my life with, I’d draw you. Exactly you.

You make me so unbelievably happy.

I hope you enjoy your gift. You have about twenty minutes to check it out before I arrive. I’d really like it if you were waiting at the end of the aisle for me.

I love you so much.

See you soon.

Ps: I’m safe. Take a breath and relax.

Catherine – soon to be – Kincaid xx

Well, fuck.

I carefully refold the letter and tuck it into the envelope, then I put the envelope in my breast pocket and pat it down. I’ll be keeping that on me today. And probably every day for the rest of my life.