Izzy clamps her hand around mine and pushes me forward. The crowd whistle and cheer as Bobby dramatically puckers his lips. I stumble forward, and before he can go to his knee to reach me, Jon and Aiden lift me instead. They lift me so I’m barely half a foot below Bobby’s eye level, and leaning as close to the cage as I can manage, he kisses me through the gaps in the fence and his mouthguard.
I swear, every woman in this place sighs and shoots filthy glares at their men.
“Kincaid! Let’s go!” the ref shouts, but Bobby continues to smile at me.
Have you ever seen a person smile with a mouthguard in?
It’s adorable.
Aiden and Jon lower me safely to the ground, and watching like a hawk, Bobby points at me, then his eyes.
At my nod, he turns back to his fight.
You know, the world title, no big deal.
“Are you ready?” The ref asks them again, and when they nod, he shouts, “Let’s go!”
Thomlassen eagerly rushes forward to get Bobby back against the cage, but Bobby sidesteps at the last second, latches his arm over Tony’s shoulder, and effectively jumps on and piggy backs him.
They both still smash into the cage mere feet in front of me, but with a wicked grin, Bobby tucks his face into Tony’s neck and squeezes the choke hold no one knew he had – least of all, Tony.
“Tap!” Jon shouts. “Tap, motherfucker!”
Tony’s face turns dark red. His teeth grit behind his black mouthguard. He struggles to dislodge Bobby, and when he can’t, throws himself to the floor and crushes Bobby beneath him.
I cry out, because I know that must’ve hurt. Bobby’s organs can’t possibly be unharmed. His ribs must be rolling around inside him similarly to how mine did a year ago. But if he’s hurt, you’d never know.
The two large men grapple on the floor in a frenzied attempt to get the upper hand. A memory from so long ago rings in my mind. Tony Thomlassen’s strength is on the mat. He’s a black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. This is what Bobby’s been training for, and hoping against.
I drop Izzy’s hand and cup my mouth. “Get up, Bobby! Get up, finish it.” It’s unlikely he’ll hear me over the roaring of the crowd, but I can’t keep quiet anymore. I can’t stay still. I move forward so I’m even with his brothers now.
I’m unable to stay away.
Jon looks down and shakes his head He knows where Bobby put me. And he knows what Bobby asked of me. Technically, I’m still doing what he wants; I’m just a little closer.
Bobby rolls away fast as a snake and springs back to his feet. I scream, I cry, I cuss when Thomlassen jabs left and crosses right. He catches Bobby’s jaw and flips him around.
“Knock him out. Baby, knock him out!”
Before my sentence is complete, the entire arena is silenced as Bobby does a kind of somersault. His downward momentum drives a heel straight across Tony’s face and drops Thomlassen to the floor.
Like a sack of potatoes.
The crowd remains completely silent for a long second, so silent that I swear, I hear a cup rolling on the stairs.
The place erupts.
The ref jumps between Bobby and an unconscious Tony Thomlassen. Medics rush into the octagon the way they did for Jimmy. I jump up and down the way I haven’t done since before my injuries.
I try to compete with Aiden and Jon’s excitement, but they’re too big for me. Too solid.
The ref takes Bobby’s bleeding hand and thrusts it into the air.“Robert Kincaid, your NEW Champion of the Worrrrlllllldddddd!”
“Come on,” Aiden shouts over the noise of the crowd. He takes my hand and pulls me forward at a jog. Jon takes my other hand and shields me as we work through the crushing crowd.
“Kit? Kit!” Bobby calls my name in a panic. He bullies his way through everyone that fills his octagon.