Page 118 of Finding Victory



Sending Jim To War

Pacing the locker room, fury bubbles like lava in my veins, and worry zaps me of every ounce of energy I possess.

“Where the fuck are they?” I’ve asked the same question a hundred times in the last five minutes, and yet, no one has answers for me.

Any other day, any other place, Jimmy would be the first to tell me to shut the fuck up and sit down, but not today. Today he paces, too.

I demanded live feed be brought in here so we could watch the girls arrive, but when they emerged from the car and were instantly thrust into a crushing crowd, Aiden had to hold me down to stop me from racing out there.

Under contract, my ass isn’t allowed to leave this locker room until it’s time to fight, but fuck, that’s my wife!

They jostled Izzy like they didn’t give a shit that she’s pregnant. They held banners and blew kisses, but in their excitement, crushed the very girls they claim are their role models.

I wanted to tear this place apart every second I watched them struggle, and all the while, Aiden held us back with threats of breach of contract and‘use your fucking brains!’

I should’ve done better. I should’ve just brought them here with us this morning. I thought I was doing the right thing by letting them rest at home, but instead, I had them delivered into the fucking mosh pit.

I turn to Aiden when his hand comes down on my shoulder. “I’m giving them two more minutes,” I snarl. “Then I’m going out there to find them.”

“If you step out there, you’re in a shit ton of trouble, B. She’s with Jack and Mike. Trust them to be fine.”

“I can’t trust! Fuck–”

“In here!”

I spin at the sound of Mike’s voice. Before the heavy doors close behind the group, I lift Kit into my arms and hold her like she was a small child. Her legs wrap around my stomach and her arms around my neck.

I bury my face in her fragrant neck and allow my pulse to slow and match hers. “Are you okay?” Leaning back, I pepper kisses to her lips. She nods, but her body shakes as much as mine does. “Jesus. That was too close, baby. I’m beginning to think my career fights are dangerous for you.”

She chuckles, but I’m not even kidding. Twice now I’ve trained for the octagon, and twice she’s been hurt.

“I’m okay.” She presses a soft kiss to my lips. “No injuries. Also…” She looks down at my bare chest with a smirk. “I like this look on you.” Unraveling her legs, she slides down my body, and when she’s steady, leans forward and presses a kiss to our wedding date on my chest. “I see you like this every day, but it feels different today. Like you have your battle paint on your face and your axe in your hand.”

I chuckle nervously. “I fight with my hands, not an axe.”

She shrugs. “Roll with it. I’m talking symbolically. You look ready for a fight.”

“I am! I saw those assholes out there pushing you around. I’m ready to whale on a motherfucker.”

She snickers and leans in to press her face to my shoulder. “Everyone’s okay.”

With a nod, I turn to face the others. “Are you okay, Sissy?”

She rolls her eyes and slaps Jim’s hands away. “I’m fine. I’m a badass. A bunch of fat guys with cameras don’t scare me.”

Mmhmm. I’ll be watching her tonight too, because just like my wife, she gets off on downplaying pain.

Finally, I turn to Jack, and for just a second, I let Kit go and hug him. I hug the fuck out of him. “You did good, Jack. Really, really good.” I pull his head against my shoulder. “I’m proud of you.”

His cheeks color at my praise. “Umm, okay. Thanks. Get off me now.”

I step back as my right hand reaches out in search of the wedding ring on my left, but it’s not there.

I’ve become obsessed with spinning it when I’m idle – when I’m thinking, or worrying, or just bored. It’s become a habit to spin and let Kit ground me, even when she’s not around. But now its absence reminds me of something.

I step to Kit and dig into my pocket, pull it out, and take her hand, palm side up. I press it to the middle of her palm for safe keeping, and curl her fingers around it securely. “I need you to hold this, baby, then I need you standing at the fence to hand it back when I’m done.”

She smiles sweetly. “I’ll be there.”

An official steps into the locker room with his handy-dandy clipboard and giant watch. “Kincaid, James. Five minute call.”

Leaving as fast as he arrived, he leaves our formerly silent group to erupt into nervous chatter. “Fuck!” Jon hurriedly lifts the Thai pads between them. “Everyone’s fine. Everyone’s safe. Let’s get you warm again.”