Page 44 of Finding Victory

“No, sweet. I’m not mad.”

“Really?” Skeptically, she lifts her head and rears back with a laugh when she realizes how close I am. My body slumps forward when she moves, forcing me to catch my weight on the table before I crush her. “You creep,” she laughs.

I reseat myself and tap her nose like she was six all over again. “I’m not mad, Sissy. Are you happy?”

She shrugs. “Well, I mean, the circumstances kinda suck. But I can’t be unhappy about my own baby… you know? I’ll make it work.”

“Exactly. So, no, I’m not mad. As long as you’re happy, I’m happy. I know you’re a good girl, and I know you would’ve been careful. Sometimes shit just happens. We’ll take care of you, I promise.”

Instantly, her proud spine snaps straight. “I don’t need to be taken care of, Bobby. I’m not aski–”

“I know that, honey.” I pull her in for a side hug. “I really do. You’re one of the strongest, most independent women I know. I mean, I only associate with the best.” I bite my lip when she fights her own small smile. “But we want to help. If this is definitely happening, then I want my niece or nephew around; my home, my gym, my life. We all do. Don’t disappear on us now when the fun stuff is starting.” My heart stutters at our new reality. “There’s gonna be a little Iz running around. I wonder if she’ll be half annoying as you were?”

She rolls her eyes. “Are you actively trying to be an asshole?”

“No.” I press a kiss to her forehead. “I’m trying to make you smile after a couple days of tears. I don’t want you to be scared of me, Sissy. You can tell me anything and I promise to eventually stop being a caveman about it, and when I have my shit under control, I promise to try and reign Jon in, too.”

“I love you, Bobby. Caveman and all.”

“I love you too, baby girl. We all do. It’s our job to worry, but that doesn’t mean we’ll stay mad at you. Stop fretting and enjoy your breakfast.”

She nods and goes back to playing with her cereal. “Thank you.”

“Do me a favor though?” When she lifts her eyes, I work to school my anger. “Can you tell me, before you decide to talk to the guy?”

“You’re not coming with me, B.”

“I know.” I know full well she’d never let me come along, but fuck, I want to have a chat with him. “But tell me anyway. I just wanna know what’s happening. Give you a shoulder to lean on, moral support, that sort of thing.”

She watches me for a moment to gauge the sincerity in my words. I’ll be the first guy in line to give the guy a beat down, but only if she gives me the go ahead. I won’t risk anything when it comes to her and her baby, and tracking him down and cutting his filthy dick off might result in trouble for her. “Okay, I will.”

“Alright, it’s a deal.” I stand and drop a kiss onto the crown of her head. “I gotta go. I’ve got shit to do.” I run upstairs to take a quick shower, and on my way back out of the bathroom, I find Kit in front of the mirror brushing her hair. “I’ll be back later.”

“Okay. Tell him I love him.”

I chuckle and press my lips to the back of her neck. “I’ll slip it in if there’s space in the conversation.” I run back downstairs and collect my phone and keys. Stopping in the kitchen to make a to-go coffee, I smirk at Jack sitting back in his original seat with a fresh bowl of cereal and a steaming mug of coffee.

“You busy today?” he asks around his food. I almost make a ‘didn’t your mama teach you not to talk with your mouth full’ joke, but I bite my lip and turn back to the coffee pot. Definitely not a cool joke around here. His mom’s an asshole. A deceased asshole. “Yep. I’ll be out for a while.”

“Can you believe Izzy’s pregnant? It’s insane.”

“Can I believe it? Nope. But I’m working on it. That means you’ll be an uncle though. Cool, huh?”

His eyes light up at the inclusion in my words. Blood isn’t the only way to become family around here. “I never really thought about it like that. That’s really cool. Babies are fucking adorable,” he laughs.

“Yeah,Izzy’sbaby will be adorable. Not yours,” I snap. “Not this year. Not for at least another five years. Preferably ten. If you don’t wrap it up, I’ll chop it off for you.” I don’t even know if the kid is still a virgin, but as his face pales, I feel accomplished in the fact that we just had the sex talk. Not as awkward as I thought it would be. “Anyway, good talk. I’ve gotta go.” I pick up my go-mug of coffee and leave Jack floundering about his dick at the kitchen table.

One talk down.

Another to go.

I’ve got so much shit to do this week. I have an unopened email to confirm last minute honeymoon details, I have to take the booze to my mom’s house, we have to confirm suits, and because apparently it’s aguy job,I have to find ribbon for the cars.

I found the cars; but now, apparently, we need ribbon, too.

Add on top of that my silent obsession about who Kit will choose to escort her down the aisle, and I’m on the verge of taking her to Hawaii and eloping. She hasn’t brought it up since it was first discussed, nor does she seem worried, but I’m over here freaking out about it. I can’t bear for her to hurt on our wedding day. I want the day to be perfect for her.

I thought I was busy yesterday. Six days before my wedding, and now we also have Iz’s baby bombshell,plusmy brother’s‘I love Iz more than a sister’bullshit. I mean, what the actual fuck? How did that even begin?