Page 20 of Finding Victory

“No. My answer is to offer your support, but that she probably won’t need it. It’s just not who she is. She gets shit done. You know this about her. You need to relax.”

“Relax…” I bring my spare hand up to brush across my face. “That’s easier said than done, T. I don’t want her to hurt on her wedding day. You’ll let me know if shit’s getting serious, right? If she stops internalizing. If she starts to freak, you’ll call me?”

“As long as it doesn’t violate girl code, I’ll give you a heads up. You got everything else sorted?”

“Yeah, I Googled a list. Suits. Cars. Booze. All sorted. She’s on the catering and dresses and shit. I think we’re good. As soon as you send your email, I’ll send it to my travel guy and that’ll fix that. I think we’re almost all set.”

“You sound like a regular Lady Elizabeth Anson, B. Ever considered going into event planning?”

My eyes narrow. “I literally have no clue what you just said.”

She laughs. “If the fighting thing doesn’t pan out, you can plan my wedding. I promise. I gotta go, okay? I’m working.”

“At the club?”

“Yup. I was halfway through pouring a beer when you called. The head is flat now and he’s giving me the stink eye. Gotta run.”

“Jesus. I seriously don’t understand how you have a job. I don’t even know how you and Kit are friends. You have nothing in common.”

“We have each other in common. She loves me and I love her. That’s all we need. Plus, I’m cute.”

I shake my head. “Whatever. Thanks for your help.”

“My pleasure. Catch you later, stud.”