Page 18 of Finding Victory



Two Weeks To Go

Ineed to know some things. Some things about Kit that I can’t ask Kit herself. Because it’s a surprise. Who does a man call when he wants intel on his almost-wife? Intel that no one else in the world will know except maybe one chick?

He calls his tiny fairy friend and hopes she’ll give straight answers instead of fucking him around because she gets off on teasing people.

I watch Kit and Jack back out of the driveway like rabbits, as he idles on the street, as he crunches gears into first. When Jack’s face morphs into a sly smirk, I laugh as Kit’s face pales and her hands clutch the dash. I’m pretty sure he’s fucking with her at this point.

He’s not incompetent in anything he puts his mind to, and I’m pretty damn sure driving is something he wants to master fast.

I think he just likes fucking with his sister, plus, for as long as he bunny-hops, she’ll feel needed. He’s giving her that sense of importance. Even though she dreads every second of it.

As soon as they’re out of sight, I turn back to the kitchen, grab a fresh coffee, then take it to the couch and flop down.

Time to collect some intel.

I don’t know if Tink’s working today, or really, when she works, ever. She’s never in the same place at the same time twice… except our house.

I take out my cell and dial the number I snuck weeks ago. I need to know if Kit has a passport, and if so, where has she visited in the past? Where does she want to visit in the future? If she doesn’t have a passport, we don’t have enough time to get one for a honeymoon, so where does she want to visit in this country?

I could just ask Kit, but I really hope I can surprise her.

Just as I’m about to take the phone away from my ear and hang up, the call connects. “Lady Mystique’s Escort services. Chastity speaking. How can I direct your call?”

What?I pull the phone away from my ear and look at the number. “Umm…”

Tink cackles like an idiot. “Relax B, geez, anyone would think you’ve never called for a hooker before.”

“I never have called for a hooker before!”

“Sure you haven’t, stud.” She laughs. “What do you want, Bobby? I’m busy, and I’m not interested in a raging affair with Kit’s man. She’s wily. It won’t end well for either of us.”

“You’re a pain in my ass, you know that?”

“Yes, I know. What do you want?”

“Does Kit have a passport?”

It’s like I canhearher rolling her eyes. “Depends, big boy…”

My eyes narrow suspiciously. “On what?”

“Are you taking her on an amazing honeymoon that she’ll love for the rest of her life and think back on fondly when she’s old and wrinkled with six kids hanging off her boobs? Or are you stealing her away forever and never bringing her back?”

“One: why the hell would we be having kids when we’re old? And two: the second option with hopes for the first. I’d buy her an island and we could stay there forever. Do you think she’ll want babies soon? I could dig that.”

She laughs. “That’s a chat you need to have with her, but seeing as how you’reooooh so pretty, I doubt she’d mind growing your spawn fruit.”

I smirk. “She thinks I’m pretty?”

“You are pretty, B. Don’t fish for compliments now. It’s cheap. And yes. The answer to your question is yes.”


“Yes, she has a passport. It has no pretty stamps in it yet, so maybe you could help her with that.”