I shrug. “I’d fuck him.”

“No!” He throws his head back on a dramatic howl, but his chest jumps with laughter. “You’re sick! I’d never fuck a girl in the same room as my father. I’d especially never fuck the same girl my father is fucking.”

“You become redundant,” Aaron slurs. “You won’t be in the same room, man. You’ll be too busy in divorce court, fighting to keep your house, and she’ll be fucking your daddy, hoping to keep your inheritance when the old fart dies.”

Scrunching his nose, Drake lifts a thumb and pokes it in Aaron’s direction. “I feel like maybe he’s trying to tell us something.”

Thisis why I love Drake. This is why I want to keep him around forever; because he’s funny, and he never makes things weird.

“Drake, honey, this is Aaron, and he’s a pal of mine. I think it’s time for him to go home now.” Standing, I leave my clutch on the bar for a moment and move into the space Drake was in as he backs up. “Mr. Scanlon, it’s time for you to go home.”

He tries to swat me away.

“Mr. Scanlon?” I guess Drake is Alex’s intended backup, and since he’s here, I figure it’s time to go. “Mr. Scanlon.” I grab his car keys and plop them in Drake’s hand as I take Aaron’s arm. “You were cut off hours ago. It’s time for bed.”

“I said no!” He swats me away and accidentally smacks my arm hard enough to have Drake’s brows lifting. “Leave me be, woman. I am done lettingfemales,” he says the word as though it’s a swear, “boss me around. Go sit somewhere else. I was here first.”