Frowning and making a plan to search when I get home, I force myself away or risk losing my chance tolet off steamwith Drake. Moving past my couch and galley kitchen, I swing the door wide and jolt back with a scream. It’s like electricity runs through my veins, shocking me and making my body spasm.

My hand snaps my clutch open and takes hold of my SIG P229 service-issued gun while Theo-effing-Griffin stands in my hall with his hands on the doorframe and his eyes on the floor.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” My heart races so fast, it hurts my chest. “Are you insane? I could have shot you.”

Head down, bowed almost in a show of weakness, he leaves his hands exactly where they are, but brings his head up a fraction and looks at me through his lashes. “Don’t go wherever you’re going, Libby. Don’t go to your fuck buddy.”

“What are you– Why are you here?” My words are shouted, and because I’m the police, my neighbors duck their heads into the hall to get firsthand gossip. “How do you know where I live? This isn’t publicly available information, creep!”

He watches me with eyes that shift between sadness and flippancy. “This is a tiny town. Everyone knows where everyone lives.”

“I don’t know where you–” I cut my words off and press a hand to my aching chest. I don’t want him to think I want to know where he’s staying. “You cannot be here! This is a massive violation of my privacy. I should take you down to the station and leave you there overnight. Jesus, Theo! You can’t just turn up on my doorstep like we’re friends!”

“We can be friends,” he murmurs. His voice is so quiet, so deep, it’s like he’s speaking only for me, and not the twelve people who’ve found their way to my hall. “Don’t go out looking like that, Lib. Don’t visit a man and give yourself to him.”

I slam my shoulder against his chest and push into the hall. I will not become a hostage in my own home. I will not let a man dictate where I can go and with whom. “You’ve lost your damn mind, guy. We met for two seconds in a gym, then again for two seconds in a grocery store. You’ve straight up lost your marbles thinking you can come to my home and demand anything. This is your one and only warning.” I turn to him when I pull the door closed with a slam. “Stay away from my home. You do not have permission to be here.” I push away from him and ignore the glint of anger in his eyes.

I make it no more than two feet before his hand wraps around my wrist and he pulls me back. Our chests slam together so hard, every last scrap of oxygen escapes my body and leaves me weak.

“And this isyourone and only warning; do not go there. Do not get mad at me and go to another man as revenge. Don’t do that, Elizabeth. Don’t punish me when all you have to do is agree to a date.”

“I will not date you!” I rip my arm from his grasp and stand taller. I have heels on now, so my forehead stops at his chin level. “I will spend my time with whoever I want. Wherever I want. With as many men, in as many holes as I want to offer.”Who am I? “I have no clue who you think you are, Theo Griffin. Maybe you buy women with your kazillions, but I won’t be one of them. I cannot be bought. Move along and stay the hell out of my way.” I turn away with a flourish and throw my hair over my shoulder for good measure.

I should have already flattened him. I should have cuffed him and sent him to the tank for the night to give him time to think about the consequences of stalking a cop’s home. But there’s that magnet inside me, pulling me closer even as my feet pull me away.

I pass my neighbors and shoot them filthy glares. “Get back inside and close the damn door. No loitering in the hall.” Doors slam shut, some with grumbled cussing, and some with wide eyes. I live in the lower socioeconomic side of town. Most folks over here are earning minimum wage or government benefits, and though they’re usually inclined to give my colleagues trouble, they leave me be so long as I don’t pick at them for noise.

It’s a decent tradeoff. I get to beinwith the locals who often know of dealings that, as a law enforcement officer, I’d like to know about, and they behave and don’t give me trouble, because as their neighbor, I’mvouchedfor, in a way.

I push out of the hall with an angry huff, and skip down the stairs on sure feet. I don’t wear heels often, but my time in the gym means I have good balance, my core keeps me upright. I move down one flight, then another. I know Theo is close behind, because with every click of my heels on the stairs, I hear the soft thud of his shoes. I move faster and faster, barely short of running, and that’s only because I don’t want him to think he’s spooked me.

I turn at the next landing and think of Switzerland. Just for a brief second, the word flashes through my mind, but I push it away and clear the next flight and push into the outside chill. The snow is gone for now, but the wind bites and makes me think fashionable jeans aren’t always sensible.

My car is always parked in the street, always in the same spot, as though my neighbors keep the space open for me, so I slide into the front seat with a pounding heart and stare through the darkness until Theo races out the front doors.

He’s so broad, so strong.

So insanely angry.

I don’t understand this turn my life has taken. We didn’t know each other just a few days ago. Westilldon’t know each other, but he claims ownership like I’m a mutt he can pick up from the shelter.

If he thinks helping me with my weightsonetime entitles him to some kind of hero status, he’s going to lose his balls in an extremely painful way. I didn’t need him, I don’t want him, and I wish my blood didn’t run faster because of him.

His eyes scan the road for a minute, and though I don’t move a single muscle, he finds me, his eyes lock onto mine, and after a beat, he starts forward.

I’m a cop! I should get out of the car and have him detained for the night. But underneath the cop, I’m also a woman.

Instead of squaring up, I start my car and pull out of my space with a squeal of my tires.