“Let’s get this set up.” I hand a dummy remote-controlled explosive to Stella. “Here you go. I need you to carry this over to the girl, but don’t trip, and absolutely donotdrop it. We’re all fucked if you do.”

Her eyes widen. “What does it do?”

“It’s a computer thing,” I brush her off with a lie and wave her away. “But it’s expensive, so don’t drop it. Set it just far enough away she can’t touch it.”

“What?” Evie’s eyes widen the closer Stella comes. “No. No-no-no-no-no.” She’s not as stupid as her Hayes counterpart. She doesn’t know it’s inactive, but she knows it’s not acomputer thing, so as Stella comes closer, she kicks her long legs out and tries to send the contraption flying. “You stupid ass bitch. Get that shit away from me!”

“Don’t be such a little brat.” Slowly, Stella crouches down so her long hair rests against her back. She sets the explosive down by the girl, but it’s obnoxious and unnecessary. Give the world one thing to concentrate on, and draw their eyes away from what’s important. “Don’t touch this,” Stella murmurs to the girl. “It was expensive.”

Evie looks the woman straight in the eyes. “Fuck off.”

“Evelyn…” I saunter forward and shake my head. “You’ve got an attitude problem.”

“No,” she argues. “I like my attitude. The fact you don’t like it meansyouhave an attitude problem. Let me out of this thing.”

“No, I don’t think I will.” Reaching back, I take out my Griffin Industries cell and chuckle at the logo.

It’s ironic, really. To be employed bytheGriffin, to be assigned to guard his woman when he’s otherwise busy. I’ve walked this town, and no one knew who I was. I walked into the gym, and no one had any clue how close our ties run. I worked for Griffin for more than a decade, and he had no clue we’d been in the same room as children, and the funniest yet, he taught me everything I know about this ‘computer stuff’.

Nightmares and a coincidence. That’s literally all it took – coincidence. Theo Griffin says the word is a fallacy, but it’s really not. Two boys find their way into the same alleyway, and when one of them refuses to speak in the daytime, but can’t stop his subconscious from throwing nightmares at him, the name Bishop slips out and changes my trajectory.

If I can’t get my hands on the money I’m entitled to –by blood– then I’ll claim my seat in Griffin’s office and finish what he began. I’ve been a fixture in that place for so long, Annaliese won’t question it. And she’s the only person I need to convince.

The boss has gone on an extended vacation with his lady. I’ll be taking over until they return.

I shake my head and swipe my screen open to make the call.

There’s no game if no one knows where we are.