“No, you don’t understand. My girl’s friend died. That one we were all rooting for because she’s sick. She fucking died, so now we need to finish this. I’m not staying away any longer. I tried, ballerina. I really did, and I’ve never punked on an assignment before, but I can’t stay on while she’s home crying for her friend.”

“The girl died?” Romeo’s commando exterior drops away to reveal something much more vulnerable. “She’s only seventeen, right?”

“Yes! She’s a fucking baby!” Spencer roars. “She’s a child, she was sick, her boyfriend dumped her because he’s a weak prick, and now she’s gone. She won’t ever get a redo at this life. She won’t make it to prom. She won’t get to do shit, becau–”

“Because she’s dead,” Romeo finishes. He turns to Sophia. “Make the meet happen. I haven’t been home yet either, so make this shit happen, let’s end it, then we can stop living out of bags for a minute. I’m done.” He turns away before Soph can argue. “Reply to that email, Sophia. Organize the meet.”


It’sfunny how life can work out so strangely. I never expected to be working so close to Jay Bishop during what feels like such a high-stakes time, but here I am, laying on my stomach amid trees, twigs, and leaves. Jay is just four feet to my left, Libby two feet to my right.

Spence and Romeo are set up on the opposite side of the valley we called the meet in, and Soph stands by the car at the bottom as she waits for our visitor and acts like her life isn’t at risk.

She agreed to a meet with this guy that claims his name is Theo.

The six of us have spent two days in one room talking this through. Three of us know that world of Colum Bishop. Romeo lends his military knowledge and bounces ideas off Spence, while Soph adds the brains and keeps us all on track.

We don’t know who our target is, but it would seem, this target is willing to come to us.

To talk.

You know what they say about things being too good to be true.

This might be what “Theo” says it is, and maybe he really is just here for a chat, but just in case he’s not, Soph has five sniper rifles pointing her direction now, and five well trained shooters willing to end this all today.

I can’t even find it in my heart to get mad that Jay is still keeping me close; not because I’m a friend, but because in his world, I’m the devil.

“Car approaching, a thousand yards to the east.” Jay’s voice is deep, low, and in work mode. He moves his head just a fraction to the right to keep the approaching car in his sight. He won’t let his girl die in this war.

“I’m watching,” Soph murmurs into the earpieces we all wear. “I don’t see him yet.”

“It’s bendy,” Jay replies. “And there’s no dirt, no dust. Everyone understand their roles?”

“Yeah,” Romeo’s voice crackles in my ear. “Listen to him. Silence him. Go the fuck home. I miss my family.”

“You’re almost done,” Soph says. “Stay sharp, guys. I’m the only one who might die today.”

“I’ve got you, Sugar Plum.” Jay’s body literally vibrates beside mine as we watch the dark SUV approach. “Never doubt me.”

When the SUV is close enough, the air changes for all of us, but most of all, for me and Libby as our eyes meet.

There are two passengers. Female.

“The fuckin’ sour-sisters are involved.”

Libby’s voice catches, but it ends on a stream of cussing that almost makes me worry for her. Thankfully, Libby isn’t much for internalizing. I don’t have to worry that this is going to fuck her up. She’ll swear about it, she’ll make the shot she’s been wanting to make her whole damn life, and then we move on.

This won’t be a setback for her.

I can’t speak, since we’re all wired into the same system and the others will hear, so instead, I slide my foot across the grass until it touches hers, then I loop them together in the closest thing to a hug I can give right now.

For just a brief second in the silence, her lips curl up into a ghost of a smile. It’s tiny, shaky, and weak, but it’s the best she can give. And it means she’s here with me. She’s pissed, but she’s right here and letting me touch.

Turning back, I study the driver’s broad chest, since his shoulders and head are hidden by the roof of the car and the angle at which we sit. He wears long sleeves and jeans. ThisTheo’slimbs are long; long torso, long arms, long legs. He’s tall. He wears a thigh holster on his right leg, and keeps another handgun in the cup holder between his seat and the passenger seat.

“Okay, I see him now.” Soph’s voice catches as though she might now be realizing how this can go bad. She’s brave, and since the email was addressed to her, she insisted on being the one in the valley for the meet. But she isn’t stupid. She could die today if this dude decides he doesn’t want to chat.

A cell phone chirps in my earpiece. It takes us a moment to find it, because it’s actually across the valley. One sharp bleep, then Romeo’s voice. “Hello?”