“Don’t show your fear,” Soph reseats the laptop on her legs. “I still choose him. I will always choose him. Soon, he’ll be able to see that.”

“You gonna say yes to one of his proposals soon?”

She laughs. “You’ve heard him?”

I nod. “He’s asked you three separate times in the last couple weeks. You keep saying no. That’s not helping my case, ya know.”

“Oh,” she waves me away. “My denials have nothing to do with you, and everything to do with him. He needs to ask me without an audience, without a big production, and without showing off. He needs to humble himself, and when the time is right, he needs to ask properly, quietly, and without being a douchebag. I want to marry a man, not a child.”

“You’re mean.” Rolling to my hands and knees before she hits me, I pop up to my feet and walk toward the wall of dudes and my sweet cop standing in the middle.

I walk past Spence and his army ranger clone. Ironically, Jay and Lib tend to hover near each other whenever she’s part of the guys group. She doesn’t have a problem with Spence or Romeo, but maybe she’s drawn to Bishops in general. The way Soph can be my friend, maybe Lib does the same with Jay. And the fact she can do that with him, but he won’t give me a second of his time, annoys me beyond words.

Fuck him.

“Lib.” I reach out and take her hand. Pulling her through the group and taking her under my arm, I turn and wait for her to holster her gun. “Walk with me?”

“Sure.” As soon as she clips her gun into place, she wraps her arms around my hips and snuggles against my ribs. “Hey, Soph.” She smiles as we pass the ballerina still sitting in the grass.

“We have plans at seven.” Soph’s eyes meet mine. “Meet us at the hotel.”
