Shedoespalm knives when certain stewardesses unfasten too many buttons on their too-small blouses, but other than that, she’s here, she’s claimed me as hers, and in her head, that’s the end of it.

“I might just sit here.” She drops down onto a long sofa beside the bookshelf, and instead of selecting a book, she snatches up one of the dozens of Griffin tablets and swipes across the screen. “And I might see if I can order a gift for Jess.”

“Not too expensive,” I argue. Both women look at me as though I’ve lost my mind. “I just mean, don’t make itlooktoo expensive. I don’t want the guys claiming I’m trying to flash or whatever.”

Lib rolls her eyes. “You’re overthinking this, Griffin. Stop fretting, I’ll take care of it.”

Okay. Whatever.Don’t overthink it.I pull in a long breath, and let it out again when Annaliese stops in front of my desk. It wouldn’t be out of character for her to drop into the chair opposite mine and settle in for a minute. But not today. She’s on her best behavior now that another woman is here.


“What did I miss?”

“Rogers sends his thanks for payment on the doors.”

I chuckle. “Of course he does. Sniveling little prick. We’re not using him again. I don’t do lazy or stupid.”

Annaliese nods and makes notes on her Griffin tablet.

“With your permission, those detectives spent the last couple days combing our files. They took what they wanted, gave me a receipt, and said they’d destroy their copies when they’re done.”

“You do something illegal, Griffin?”

I take a blue and red hacky sack from my top drawer and toss it at Lib’s head without breaking composure for my astute assistant. “No. Zip it.”

Annaliese can’t handle this new atmosphere. She can’t handle such drastic change, so when Libby pegs the hacky sack right back and lands it on my solar plexus, I genuinely wonder if Annaliese might just pass out. “Um… sir, I don’t… I’m not sure…”

“It’s okay. Relax. What else?”

“Um…Olly said he’s taking off for the rest of the day, unless you need him for anything.”

“No.” Squishing the hacky sack between my hands, I shoot one last glance toward Libby as she scrolls, taps, smiles, and spends my money. “We’re heading out this afternoon too. I’ll be out of the office for the whole week.”

Dutifully, Annaliese begins taking notes.

“I’ll be available by email only, but I want you to try to condense them. Instead of a hundred emails, send me one with the important stuff collated. If something needs immediate attention, send me a text. I’ll check that.” I look up to Libby. “Good?”

She grins. “Good.”

I turn back to Annaliese. “Do not call me unless you’re literally on fire. And even then, probably call the fire department. I don’t want my phone to ring once. And I’m blocking all texts but yours. If you text and force me to read it, it better be important, orI’llset you on fire. Other than that, email. I’ll read and reply to those periodically through the day. Morning, noon, and night.”

“Morning and night.” Lib flashes a wide grin when we glance over to her. “Please.”

I shrug. “Okay, morning and night. So make it important, and delegate everything you can delegate.”

“Yes, sir. Want me to have the house set up? Marianne can come in this afternoon and stock the kitchen.”

“No servants,” Libby coughs.

Chuckling, I toss the hacky sack from one hand to the other. “No, we’re not going to the house anyway. We’re going to the cabin, but I don’t want you to tell anyone where we’ll be. Let the staff think I’m right here. Let Olly know where I am, but other than that, it’s on lockdown. If… uh…” I look to Libby and swallow my nerves. “If anyone with the name Bishop calls here, tell them to call my cell. I’ll take their calls…” I look away when she gives an encouraging smile. “Maybe. I’ll see how I feel at the time. But don’t tell them I’m away.”

“Yes, sir. And if the detectives want to speak with you about Zhang?”

“They can suck my cock and wait until we get back. I am not a part of Zhang’s dealings, and we’ve been more than accommodating with thecopson that.” Lib chuckles when the word cop comes out on an almost hiss. “They can wait, and I will not be taking their calls. If they need something, send it in an email, I’ll read it in my allocated screen time.”

I smile when Libby chuckles. She’s pretending to be fully immersed in her task, but her smile and bouncing shoulders say she has absolutely no idea what’s on her screen.

Unfortunately for her, I know what’s on her screen, because it feeds through to mine.