“Why was he in that office when we closed the door, why did the door remain closed for half an hour, and when it was opened again, he was gone?” She pulls me to my feet when my wish to spew refuses to come true. We’re not eye-to-eye. We’re not even close. “Talk to me, Tate. Because that dude came into the office today, and he was trying to play me.”

“I don’t know.” Tears flow over my cheeks.

I can’t say. I can’t tell her what he hasn’t already told her. Even if technically, he would be her brother-in-law if she and Jay ever marry.

Oh God. Kane and Jay don’t know they have a brother. “I don’t know his business. But I know I saw him on a date with you tonight.”

She scoffs. “Yeah, and when you walked in, I was dead to him. I saw him run to you like his ass was on fire. I saw him catch you. I saw him carry you. I saw you snuggle into his damn lap like you might drown if he let go. We gave you guys privacy, and now he’s missing, and I’ve been saddled with the tab for dinner. Something smells like fish, Libby. Something is up with that man, and you know more than you’re letting on.”

“I can’t…” I turn to the sinks and splash water over the uninjured side of my face. “I don’t know his business.”

“Why do his records only go back eleven years?” She stares into the mirror and meets my eyes with a glare. “Why does he simply not exist before the age of twenty-one?”

“I don’t know.”

“Why is he the owner of a massive tech giant, but his education records simply don’t exist?”

I hide my face and splash more water. “I don’t know.”

“Why did he escape onto the fire exit just because Alex was at the door?”

“I don’t know.”

Sophia grabs my arm and spins me so fast that my brain rattles inside my skull. I might’ve told Alex there’s no concussion, but it was a lie. It was a bald-faced lie.

“You have to knowsomething, Tate. You’re a good fucking cop, one of the best in this town, but you don’t know the dude whose arms you were snuggled in an hour ago? I call bullshit.”

“I don’t know! I don’t know who he is, but you seem to forget your place. I’m an officer of the law, and you’re starting to get on my nerves. Back up, ballerina, and quit while you’re on this side of a jail cell.”

Her eyes glitter with something dangerous. I don’t really know this woman. I’ve met her, she seems cool, but we’re hardly friends.

She leans in now, and glares. “Why, when I look at him, do I feel things in here?” She grabs my hand and presses it to her chest. “Why do I feel something in my gut when he stares into my eyes? When his hand slides over my skin, when he thinks he’s seducing me, but we both know it’s a farce? Why, Libby? Why do I feel these things?”

“Probably the same reason I do! I don’t know him, okay? But he makes my stomach do weird things too. He makes my heart beat faster. But it’s as explainable as your stomach.”

“You lie.” Her dark eyes follow mine each time I try to look away. “Who is he, Officer Tate? Who is that man, and don’t tell me his name is Theo Griffin.”

“Theo Griffin is what his license says.”

“I know that. You think I don’t know everything he has on record?”

I shrug and try to turn away, but she grabs me and spins me back one last time. “Does he know about your addiction, Elizabeth? Does he know your weakness?”

I recoil with a hiss and lift a balled fist. “You’re a fucking asshole, Sophia. You have no business looking my shit up.”

“I need to know who’s around me. I’m sorry you have a secret that hurts you, but my family comes before yours. Jay’s safety comes before Theo’s. So tell me what you know, and I’ll forget what I know. Jess is just days away from having her babies; if you allow my family to be in danger, then you’ll be my first sacrifice. Zero hesitation, zero remorse. I’ve lost one sister already, I won’t lose another.”