“Griffin’s father never hurt Ellie,” he murmurs. “Maybe that’s another point in his column and another reason for you to walk.”


“I’m scared he’s going to offer you a super computer and unlimited hacking abilities. I mean, I don’t know what he does with his time, but we know he’s a fuckin’ genius. He’s created the best computers on the damn market, he knows the stuff that turns you on.”

I chuckle. “Computers and tech may indeed get me going, but you know how to make my body sing.” I take his hand and press a kiss to the center of his palm. “Trust me, okay? Trust me to love you as much as you love me. Lord knows I’m not quitting now that we’ve walked through the valley of death. Come on.” I pull him toward the door.

“You need to change.”

I know he’s watching my ass as I walk away.

“Sophia, you forgot the bottom half of your outfit.”

“Want me to dance for you when I get home?”

His lips curve into a filthy grin, but to punish me, he smacks my ass and lands at least half of his large palm on bare skin instead of leather. “If you’d been wearing appropriate attire, that wouldn’t have hurt so much.”

It really did hurt, but I never lose an argument to this man, so just before opening the bedroom door, I turn and press my body against his so I straddle his thigh. I slide over him the way I know sends him crazy with thirst, lean in, and instead of kissing his chest like he expects, I bite hard enough that he hisses. “You know I like it when you spank, babe. But your plan has flaws; you smack my ass, you turn me on, get my pussy all wet and ready for you, but then you send me to dinner with another man.” I tap the tip of his nose and turn away. “Smart plan.”

“God dammit, Sophia! Put some pants on.”