“Don’t I know it,” he chuckles. “I’m gonna go broke buying them designer label shit. Why’d I get a mini Jules, huh? Bishop got a mini Jess, but he also got a mini Kane, and I bet that second one isn’t gonna be nearly as high-maintenance as Jess’ clone.”

“Listen to you, X. Getting soft on those Bishops. Who’d have thought the day would come?”

“Don’t tell them that,” he whispers. He has no clue that there are three of them now, nor does he know I’m with two of them on my ‘vacation’. “They’re okay. I don’t much know the other one, but Kane… I dunno. He’s brand loyal too.”

I bark out a laugh. “You mean to Jess? Jess is the brand?”

“Right. There ain’t a thing he wouldn’t do for her. So for as long as he continues to look at her the way he does, I’m gonna have to play nice.”

“He’s alright, Chief. He seems nice enough.”

I get nothing more than a grunt. Because that’s who X is. He doesn’t like to admit feelings, because in his mind, it’s a weakness. He’ll love fiercely, but there are few who he’ll say that four-letter word to.

“Anyway. Jess made one of each, so maybe that means you need to try for another baby. That might be the secret: first one is Jones, second one might be a Turner.”

He scoffs. “It’s much more likely the second one will be Jules’ clone too. My luck don’t work the way Bishop’s does.”

Laughing, I walk my feet up the frame of the door opposite me and snuggle in for a chat. “I’ve missed you guys, X. It’s crazy how, even though I’m on vacation, I miss home.”

“When are you coming back, kid? We miss you too. Oz is way too cocky now without you here to beat on him. He’s strutting around the station like some kinda hero. His kid walks around behind him.”


“Yeah. They pretend they hate each other, but Ben is in here shadowing Oz every time he can. Or they’re in the gym. They spar, and then the kid checks out Miss Evie like he thinks no one sees his wandering eye.”

“Does her daddy know?”

He laughs. “Yup. Nobody is watching as close as Aiden. Benny is gonna die at some point before his next birthday, and as a dad to a little girl, I’ve guaranteed a window of time where I’m not gonna watch.”

“You what?” I laugh. “You’re finally on side with the Rollers? I thought you hated them?”

“I thought I did too, but then I got to thinking about my girl and boys. Turns out I hate those boys so much more. So we’ve reached a kind of agreement. We still don’t chitchat or get a beer together, but if they murder a certain teenager for touching when he ain’t supposed to, I won’t even get mad.”

“Horrible.” My laughter comes in small little bubbles that draws Gunner’s eyes around. He tilts his head to the side and watches me for a moment; he’s curious, but he’s wary. He’s always wary. “Anyway, X.” I say ‘X’ louder, so Gunner knows who I’m talking to. “I’m gonna go for a swim or something. The beach is calling my name.”

“Yeah, rub it in, Tate.” He grunts, and because I know every sound in that station, I know the moment his heavy boots hit the top of his desk. “Meanwhile, I have to slave away in this place and keep all the children walking in a straight line.”

“Your vocation is noble. You should be proud.”

He chuckles. “Take it easy, Lib. Think of me while you’re in that water.”

“I probably won’t,” I tease. “That would just be weird.”

“You’re weird,” he grumbles. “Come home soon, okay? That’s not the chief asking. That’s your friend. I’ve known you a long time, so I kinda consider you a sister too, yeah? Don’t make me worry so much.”

“I’ll be home soon. Promise.” I smile when Gunner leaves Jay’s room and heads toward me. “I’ve gotta go. But I’ll call again soon.”

“Okay, love you, Lib. Be good.”

“Um–” My heart comes to a standstill, but no one else can know that, least of all Alex, because he hangs up. My eyes are wide, itchy, and my hands shake.

“You okay?” Gunner stops by my legs and crouches down so we’re almost on the same level. His lips pull up into a playful grin reminiscent of the boy I once met. “You look like you just saw a ghost.”

“He said he loves me.”

“Who?” His brows pull close together. “Your chief checking you out?”

“No.” I drop my hands into my lap and study them in shock. I’m… speechless. “Um, no. Not that kind of love. He said he thinks of me like his sister. He said I make him worry, and that he loves me.”