I wave her off with a dismissive flick of my wrist and power up my computer, but my smile remains. I can’t honestly say I’ve ever worn a real smile in this office before.

And that’s kinda sad, now that I think about it.

“Sit down, Lib. I need maybe an hour, then we can hit the road.”

“Better organize that kingdom.” Instead of sitting, she walks away from the windows and peruses the massive wall of bookshelves. They’re mostly technical guides, with the odd novel thrown in when someone sends me one and wants me to read it and endorse.

I never do.

My computer powers up with an almost sizzle in the air, and when a picture of Libby pops up – a scan of a drawing of a nine-year-old girl – I smile and allow myself a minute of staring.

I knew, even back then, that she was mine. I knew it in my gut, and once we shook on it, I knew where my life was headed. I hadn’t come back for her yet only because I wasn’t ready.

Now, as I stare at the drawing of that little girl, I realize the boy in me was protecting her from the man. He knew I didn’t deserve her. Not with the hate in my heart, not with the animosity I felt, or the poison that ruled my every decision.

I couldn’t have her until I was ready to let the rest go.

“Hey, Lib?”

Caught stroking the spine of one of the few novels, she turns to me and lifts a brow. She doesn’t speak. She doesn’t have to. She feels absolutely no pressure to indulge or impress me the way many others do. She’s still the chubby girl who spat in her hand before shaking mine.

There’s nowhere for us to go from there but up. Together.

“Do you think it would be appropriate to send Jess something for the babies?”

My heart throbs with nerves and uncertainty, but Lib doesn’t make me suffer. Dropping her hand, she lets her lips curl into a small grin as she folds her arms and saunters in my direction. “I think that’s a lovely idea. I’m kinda proud of you for considering it.”

“Do you think…” I pull in a long breath and rub my hands over my face as she stops at my desk and perches her ass on the edge. “Do you think the guys will get mad? It’s not really my place.”

“No, I think they’ll accept it for what it is.”

I reach across my desk and pick up the very same letter opener I stole more than two decades ago. I’ve held onto it all this time. I study theHayesinscription on the side – something I didn’t even notice that day in the club. I didn’t notice it for days, and when I did, I tossed the damn thing far away from my bed of cardboard and vermin. But it was my only protection, my only link to home, so I picked it up again and held it the way I imagine Libby held my sweater.

“And what is it, Lib?” I look up to find her watching my hands.

Does she know it’s the same one? Or is she simply picturing us like this from forever ago? Somehow, we always end up like this; I’ll watch over her shoulder, and she’ll watch me.

“You say they’ll accept it for what it is.” I pause. “So what is it?”

“A peace offering, perhaps?” She pulls the inside of her cheek between her teeth as though in thought. “I think they’ll see it as you saying congratulations, and that you’re willing to play nice. You’re not a threat to them, and they’re not a threat to you.”

I frown. “But that’s not true. I am a threat to them, just as surely as they’re a threat to me. A week ago, they had no clue I existed. And now, because ofyouand the powers you possess simply by walking around in panties, I no longer have that layer of protection.”

She grins. “I’ll protect you.” Resting a hand on the desk, she leans forward and waits for me to accept her kiss. “I will always protect you, Gunner. I kinda love you, so…”

“Lifetime protection?”

“And a strong suggestion you relocate your office and living space to the bottom floor.”

I laugh, but stop again when my office door opens and Annaliese steps in with a shy smile. She has no reason to be shy, no reason to be unsure of her position at Griffin Industries.

We may have… spent time together in the past. But that was a long time ago, and she’s managed to remain loyal to the company and thoroughly competent. I would hate to lose one of my best staff because Libby is here.

“Oh, sorry, sir.” Her eyes go rounder as she focuses on the woman sitting on my desk. Libby’s posture. Libby’s playful grin. They met on the way in, but it was fast and formal, and Libby wasn’t yet in a playful mood. But now she’s on my desk, her lips were on mine only seconds ago, and now Annaliese’s fiery cheeks are turning pale. “I just wanted to bring your messages in, but I can email them if you like.”

“No, it’s okay. Come on in.” I tap Lib’s thigh and smile when she rolls her eyes and sits up again. I wouldn’t care if she stayed on the end of my desk, but she doesn’t. She plops to her sneakered feet and moves back to the bookshelf, and as the women pass, Annaliese does a kind of mini-curtsy, while Lib’s brows pop high and her eyes come to mine in disbelief.

Libby doesn’t do pretense. She doesn’t do formal. Or curtsies. Or weird girl rituals.