“Because you’re crude and can’t take anything seriously.” Reaching up with a devious grin, she fixes his collar and flashes a teasing wink. “But I’m not looking for marriage, either. So I guess I’ll date steak and not worry about my heart getting broken at the end of the night.”
“And that’s why we work,” he declares playfully. “Also, I like those crisscross strappy dresses, but with the missing fabric so I can see your back. Extra points if you have some cute ink along your spine.Triplepoints if you have back dimples.” He literally licks his lips and looks to Archer. “Those are the best.”
“You like dimples, Detective Fletcher?” I smile, knowing mine flash, when he glances across to me. “That’s why you’re obsessed with discussing them?”
“Au contraire, Doctor Delicious.” Releasing the door when Aubree is back inside with us and finished with his collar, Fletch turns to me with lips puckered in glee. “I’m obsessed with annoying my best friend. It just so happens that the best way to do that is to askyoufor a lifetime of happiness. One home,” he happily sighs. “One bed.”
“Not sure why he’d be annoyed by that.” I sit back in my seat and purse my lips. “It was him who broke up with me.”
“What?” Over-the-top and dramatic, Fletch spins on his partner and exclaims again, “What?Archer Malone! That’s not what you told me.”
“It was she,” he shoots back at me, “who pushed me out of her front door, citing incompatibility.”
“It’s you,” I growl in response, “who refuses to compromise.”
“Compromise on what?” Fletch crouches in front of my desk and rests his face in his hands. “What are you arguing about?”
“Morality,” I cut in. “Fairness. Justice.”
“Ethics,” Archer responds. “Amongst so much more we shouldn’t discuss in polite company.”
“Where?” Fletcher’s head swivels around in search. “Who’s polite?”
“Still protecting me,” I sneer, “but you’re bitter about it and don’t really want to.”
“So straighten your shit out and remove yourself from fucking danger,” he snaps. “Stop making me sick to my stomach thinking about this shit. Funny, because as soon as you do that, we become compatible again.”
“According to you,” I counter calmly. “You say I should stop being me and instead sit inside that box you so generously set up. That’s not compatibility. And I say screw the box and any man who thinks his wants are more important than mine.”
“My wants are reasonable!” He roars so loud, Fletch pushes up straight and crosses my office to intercept his partner.
“Cool it before you end up brawling.”
“Yeah, Malone.” My lips peel back as he looks over Fletch’s shoulder and pins me with a glare. “Watch your tone. It would be awful if people thought you weren’t very nice.”
Only Fletch snorts. “Not sure there’s anyone on the planet who thinks otherwise.” But he looks back to Archer. “And yet, you’re gonna cool your shit and walk away. Save it for when you’re both calm, and flayed dicks are no longer on the menu.”
“Flayed dicks aren’t really my thing.” I push up to stand and fix my top, reveling in heartbreak as Archer’s gaze follows my every movement.
He’s hurting, but in his anger, he refuses to consider my side in all this. My reasons.
Diane Philips.
Exhaling a sad sigh, I rub my hands over my face and groan. “Did you look up that stuff I told you to?”
His desperate eyes search mine for a moment. My lips. My neck. It’s as though his mind is yet to catch up to the fact we still can’t come together on this… but when it does, his body deflates. “No, I…” Swallowing, he shakes his head. “I didn’t have time yet.”
“Maybe do that. Maybe consider things, for just a moment, from my point of view.”
“Minka,” he breathes out. He doesn’t fight Fletch. But he leans on him. He allows his friend to hold him. “I can’t see any point of view except the one where I keep you safe and at home.”
“Then I suppose that brings us full circle.” Dropping my hands into my pockets, if only so I don’t reach out, I round my desk and slow in front of the cop duo. “I wish it was different.”
“No,” he challenges. “You don’t. Because you have the power to change all this.”
“Only as much power as you. Aubree.” I step around the pair and meet my second’s eyes. “We have a staff meeting in a few minutes. Let’s prepare.”
“Oh! Is it time to discuss our pay increases yet? Because I have this ball to go to soon, and there’s a pair of shoes I’d really like to buy.”