“But from what you said, it sounded like he didn’t give you the note. He sounded confused as to why you were there.”
Concentrating on my lap, I thought over that part of the conversation between Gavin and Davis. It still seemed so confusing. If he hadn’t given me the letter, then who would have? And why? What would anyone have to gain from that?
“Well, what did Davis say when you asked him about it?” The vodka must be hitting her, because I had already told her I hadn’t talked to Davis in over two weeks, except for at the diner the other day. Which was uncomfortable and painful. He sounded so hurt, but I knew if I had just explained it to him—told him I was his stalker—he’d just sneer and walk out of my life, and what if he cut my parents out too? They loved him so much and would absolutely blame me if he left their life.
There was no future for us as long as we had the past.
“I broke up with him, we can’t—”
“You broke up with him?” Nora yelled, staggering to her knees.
I leaned back, shielding my face as she began pummeling me with a pillow. “Yes, I had to.”
“He”—the pillow landed on my shoulder— “is” —another hit landed to my chest—“the love” —a crash sounded as the pillow hit her lamp—“of your life.” She finally sagged back into the couch, drunk and blotchy faced. “He sounds like he really cares about you, Rae.”
“He cares about the new me, but once he realizes who the old me is, he’ll run away.”
I tilted my head, taking a long pull on the vodka.
“So, he loves the new you, but will hate the old you? That doesn’t make any sense.”
I laughed, feeling lighter than I had in weeks. “Now helovesme? He definitely did not say he loved me.”
“Rae, you’re being an idiot.”
Laughing again, I shook my head. “Yeah, and you’re a peeping tom.”
“Peeping Toms are whatColsondid. I was a naked victim. I should be able to check my garden while I’m in the nude, Rae. It’s biblical.”
“You’re right, Nora-Bora—you should be able to be naked Eve out in your garden. Colson dumb face can suck it.”
The air was getting fuzzy, and suddenly I was so sleepy. “I’m going to sleep here tonight, then I’m going to wake up and kick your neighbor’s ass.”
“Good,” Nora mumbled, settling into the other side of the couch. “Then I’ll tell Davis tomorrow that you love him, and you want to have his babies.”
“Okay, good.” I couldn’t remember what else she said. Sleep claimed me, and I dreamed of little babies with navy eyes and dark hair.
* * *
After my drunkennight with Nora, I had an epiphany, and it was all thanks to Nora and her garden.
I sat on my back porch, sketching out the ideas that started coming faster than I could contain. I pulled up my computer and began pulling up tab after tab of research. I would need to start the process immediately if I was going to pull off the idea that had been rolling around in my head.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity of being home, I felt like I had a clear vision for how to help the town before winter hit. Our peak tourist season was about to end, and with it, several business owners would leave for warmer climates until March, and the others just wouldn’t entertain changes or ideas until well after the holidays. It had to be now.
“I thought I’d find you out here,” my mom said gently. Things between us since I came home that weekend with Davis had been strained and awkward. I refused to talk about it, and it seemed like it was all she could think about. Nearly every day, she’d tried to bring it up in one way or another.
Instead of answering, I smiled up at her.
“Want some coffee or a snack? You look like you’re hard at work.”
Relief sailed through my lungs. She wasn’t going to bring up Davis, for once.
“I’m actually okay right now, but want to see what I’m up to?”
She took the chair next to me, and leaned over to look at my sketches. “Oh, Rae!”
A warm light hit me square in the chest as I realized what her approval meant to me. We might not have addressed the Davis situation, but seeing her smile felt like walking on the sun.