Page 54 of Only Once

“Well…” I canted my head from side to side, wincing like it wasn’t a great idea.

It wasn’t.

“What?” Bella’s hands reached out, like she wanted me to continue.

“Well, we could try to go camping if your mom isn’t against it.” I folded my arms on the counter, leaning forward to grab a strawberry. I didn’t need to see Bexley’s face to know she was pissed.

“Yes, please, Mom!” Cole started, turning on his stool.

“Yeah, pwease, Mommy!” Bella exclaimed, joining in on the begging.

Bexley smiled at her kids, toying with their hair, refusing to meet my stare.

“We’ll see, okay?”

“That always means no. Come on, we haven’t gone camping since Dad still lived with us. My friends always get to go during the summer, but Dad never takes us, and you never will by yourself,” Cole whined, his voice hitting a thousand different notes of emotion.

“Hey bud, don’t worry, we can do camping stuff without going camping. It’s not fair to put your mom in that kind of position.” I waved my hand, feeling guilty for the helpless look on Bexley’s face.

“It’s not the same…” Cole whispered, kicking at the carpet. Suddenly, he stood, darting toward the hall as fast as his casted leg would allow.

Bella continued chewing as Bexley’s eyes misted over.

“Look, Bex, I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to…”

“It’s fine.” She put her hand up as a tear hit her cheek. “We should get going.”
