Page 99 of Only Once

“Are you sure?” I clutched my phone to my chest.

“Of course. Pack a bag, and if he’s not home, stay at a hotel. I’ll take the kids to school tomorrow and pick them up.” Shay pulled me into a quick hug before I darted off to my bedroom to get my things together.

* * *

Trees spearingthe sky passed in a blur as I drove toward the edge of Portland. My heart rate spiked as I neared the city limits and found a familiar road winding around a large retaining wall draped in moss.

I slowed to fifteen miles per hour as I approached Ryan’s private drive. His iron gate loomed in the distance, the small speaker box and camera there for people requesting access. I had his gate code, but using it felt too personal now that we weren’t together…and what if he was home and he wasn’t alone?

My heart lurched at the idea, but I quickly tamped it down. My hands shook as I steered close to the gate and idled in front of it. I rolled down the window, stretching my arm out as drops of rain began pelting my jacket. I gulped and held my finger down on the red speaker function.

Right as I pressed it, a mechanical buzzing emanated from the gate as it began to slide open. Bringing my arm back in and rolling my window up, I heaved in a few heavy breaths. It was opening…and without me even having to say who I was, or why I was there. Ryan would have seen the car, but he didn’t know it…so why let me in? Unless he’d made my face out on that small security screen…but I doubted that.

Driving slowly down the drive, I crept up on the house and found a few cars parked in front of the large house. As I put the car in park, a woman wearing a tight pencil skirt and a stark white top walked down the stone steps. Her dark hair was swept up in a gorgeous updo, and her bright red nails clung to a black clipboard. I noticed a black earpiece tucked into her ear as well.What the…?

Getting out and shutting the door, I stared at the stranger in wary confusion.

“Sorry about that, I thought we’d given everyone the gate code. If you want to come in out of the rain, we can get set up.” She offered a warm smile, and I tried to return it. What on earth was she talking about?

“I’m sorry, I…”

She pushed her finger into her ear, cutting me off. “The caterer just got here, so yes, tell them we’re ready.”

Caterer…oh god, is this a wake? Are they organizing a wake for a death and they think I’m the person here to arrange it?My mouth went dry.

“I’m Natalie, follow me.” She smiled again, ignoring my internal breakdown.

If this was the only way to talk to Ryan about his family, I’d go along with it. I picked up the pace and followed after the woman into the warm house. As soon as we were inside, low murmuring met me from somewhere further back. Memories of the last time I was there fluttered in my chest, like they’d grown wings and wanted out, wanted to land on something familiar. I swallowed a thick lump of agony as I looked around the space.

Rain pelted the large windows encasing the living room and kitchen, and a warm fire blazed under the large television. Images of our little makeshift family curled up on the couches played in my head. I forced my gaze away as tears burned the edges of my eyes.

“You can set up in the kitchen. The food’s in the fridge, but if you brought anything extra, feel free to set it anywhere. Mr. Prince will be conducting his interview while you set up, and they’ll expect to eat afterward. Feel free to lay out the food right over here…” Natalie’s long legs covered half the room in seconds, and I scrambled to keep up.

We darted down the hall, toward Ryan’s media room. It was large with plenty of cushy chairs and couches, with the option to have the shades open, and since Ryan’s house was on a hill, this room provided a panoramic view of the city below. I had been stunned when he showed us. The kids had opted to watch one of Ryan’s movies in this room with the shades drawn, of course, but Ryan and I had gone in that night and made love with the shades open, the city lights illuminating the dark.

“You were injured your first year in the Professional Football Association, right? What made you want to leave the league instead of waiting to go back the following season?” a soft female voice asked.

Ryan’s husky voice responded. “I was injured, but truth be told my heart wasn’t in the game. When you play at that high of a level, it’s obvious to everyone you play with and everyone you play against.”

My heart jackknifed in my chest, my eyes watering with the adrenaline rush. He was here, after so many weeks. He was here…and if he was talking, that must mean his family was okay. Didn’t it?

No, Ryan was such a good actor, there could be something going on under the surface and I’d never even know unless I talked to him.

He continued chatting about his past while Natalie led me to a long table with a black tablecloth.

“I didn’t realize they’d already started. When you bring the dishes over, be sure you’re quiet—this interview is live.” Her eyes went large, her thin eyebrows hitting her forehead.

I nodded my understanding so she’d relax. She looked really worried that I’d ruin it somehow. I set my coat and purse down and headed into the kitchen, going along with the instructions so I could have my moment.

Opening the fridge, I found trays of apples, cheeses, and a variety of other foods. Champagne and orange juice were being chilled, and a tray of chocolate strawberries were ready to go. I started pulling everything out and setting it up, pouring mimosas in crystal glassware, arranging the veggies and meat tray. I saw Natalie waving me back to the hall where the interview was being conducted.

I dusted my hands off on my jeans, feeling awkward and underdressed as I rushed over toward the media room.

“They’re finishing up—go ahead and start bringing the trays over,” she instructed in a hushed tone.

I nodded and darted back toward the kitchen. On my second trip to the table in the hall, I carried an apple tray, along with a few juices and waters. I was ensuring the lines were straight and everything looked appealing when I heard one of the questions filter in from the room.

“So, Ryan, we had a few questions taken from our viewers, and as you can imagine, we got several questions around your dating life…so many that I decided to condense some of these questions down to just one.” The woman paused, and my breath caught in my chest. “Over the years, we’ve seen you with multiple women, and more recently you were with someone back home then suddenly with Shelly Cambria. So, many of our readers are curious…have you ever been in love?”