Page 96 of Only Once

It was my turn to scoff. “I told you it was serious, told you she was different, and you said it was out of your hands…but that wasn’t the only reason we ended.”

Her response regarding the kiss Logan had mentioned ran through my head late at night when I was consumed with her the most. It was obvious to me now that Logan had just been trying to get to me, and I had let him. I’d broken up with Bexley because I sensed that she’d break up with me over the Shelly thing, and that little doubt I had about her relationship with the kids’ dad just sent me over the edge, ensuring nothing could be fixed.

I stared at my producer, who had also been my close friend for over three years. Remorse shown in his eyes, regret evident in the way his shoulders sank in, and by the way his jaw flexed, I knew he truly did wish he could take all of it back.

I stood, extending my hand. “Look, I hate to do this to you, man. You know I do…but I already talked to my friend about this film, and he agreed to do a casting run. He’s already here in Brazil…I’m buying my way out of the contract.”

Grant waved his hand. “There’s a clause for family distress that will excuse you without penalty…I’m a bastard for not mentioning it, but if you’d had your lawyer get involved, they would have found it.”

Bringing my hands to my hips, I stalked toward the window. He was a bastard for not saying anything, but I understood why he hadn’t. They could easily argue that Bexley wasn’t my family and neither were the kids. Nothing had been submitted, and there was zero proof that they were mine.

“Who’s the friend?” Grant sank into the dresser, his billowing dress shirt loosely tucked into a pair of white cargo shorts.

I smiled, knowing he wouldn’t mind at all who I’d found as my replacement. “Gavin Higsby.”

“You serious right now?” Grant perked up, an excited grin exploding over his features.

“Dead serious. He’s a floor below me, reading through the script.”

“Shit, it’s still a loss to not have you, but if I had to re-cast…he would be my next pick.” My producer walked over and grabbed my arm, smiling his thanks.

“You thought I’d leave you high and dry?”

“Man, I wasn’t sure what was going to happen. Shelly is shitting bricks because you didn’t show up today.”

Yeah, I’d figured she would. She had successfully blacklisted herself from my career. Any movie she was in, I’d drop out of from now on.

“You can be the one to explain that I quit this film over having to kiss her on set.” I laughed, moving around the room.

I realized belatedly it was already almost ten in the morning. I wondered what Bexley was doing. Was she working, or driving to pick up her kids? Maybe she was on a date or having lunch with someone Shay had set her up with.

My gut twisted as I considered that I’d likely never know. I’d lost her. Besides, regardless of what I wanted, Logan would always be in their lives, and maybe they’d be better off if I just stayed away.

“So, what will you do now?” Grant asked, standing and preparing to head for the door.

“I’ll head back home…figure it out from there.” Something I wasn’t exactly excited to do. My fall fling had already tried to contact me, but I couldn’t bring myself to reply to her. I couldn’t imagine myself with anyone but Bexley, which was even more infuriating because she was out there living her best life—drinking, dancing, and not giving a fuck that she’d broken my heart.

“Just be happy, man…you know that’s all anyone wants for you. You deserve that.”

I knew I did; problem was, I had no idea how to get back to happy when all the happiness I realized I wanted in life was wrapped up in that small yellow house.

“Think you can wait a while before you leak this, or at least see if you can contain what they’ve heard already?”

Grant smiled. “Yeah, I’ll make it my personal mission.”