Page 89 of Only Once

“Hey, she’s awake,” I heard Cole say, getting closer.

Bella was next, but instead of stopping near me, she climbed into my bed.

I let out a sigh as I registered that I was in a hospital bed, complete with a gown and everything. How the hell had they done all that without me waking up?

“Why am I in the hospital?” I whispered. My throat felt like the Sahara Desert.

“You hit your head pretty hard.” Ryan’s soft explanation washed over me, as did the sensation of his fingers in my hair. “You were walking and tripped forward. I couldn’t catch you in time, and you landed on a rock.”

Right. The kiss…Shelly…the fake relationship.

My stomach soured as I flinched at Ryan’s touch.

“You okay, Mommy?” Bella asked, laying her head on my heart.

I ran my hand along her back. “Yes, baby, I’m okay.”

We checked out thirty minutes later, shortly after Shay rushed to my side, demanding to be filled in. Of course, Ryan didn’t mention the reason I had passed out.The coward.

I was thankful he didn’t try to drive us back to his condo. Then again, maybe that just meant he had company who was staying over. How far was he required to take this fake relationship? Did they have to get caught having sex, or getting engaged?

Once my front door clicked shut and Ryan had settled me in my bed, I informed him he could go home.

“I appreciate your help, but you can leave.”

“No,” he replied coolly.

“I don’t exactly want you here right now.” I closed my eyes tight against the spinning in my head. Never again would I mop those stupid chairs or run after stray cattle before taking my break.

“This doesn’t have anything to do with what you want. I’m staying until you’re better. I’m making the kids dinner, I’m here,” he softly reassured me.

It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him I could call Logan, or Shay…anyone but him.

“We need to talk about what happened.” Ryan helped stuff a few pillows behind my back to help me sit up. I hated feeling so weak around him when all my instincts were screaming at me to be strong.

“You cheated,” I stated plainly.

It was simple for me. He had cheated, and that was the end.

A heavy sigh left his chest. I still refused to open my eyes, too afraid of tears slipping free. I may have been weak with this heat stroke situation, but it had nothing on how weak I was for him.

“I didn’t cheat. I’m an actor and I was in breach of contract if I didn’t agree to that publicity stunt. I love you, Bexley. You, and only you.”

“And your job,” I added harshly, hating that it slipped free, but what he’d done hurt so much. Even if what he said was true—and my gut said it was—the fact that he hadn’t told me or warned me meant he wanted to protect his career more than he wanted to protect me. It only proved that his job came first. I couldn’t be with someone who put their job before their family. I hated the sickening realization that was flaring to life in my head, ever so slowly making its way down to my heart. I’d made this difficult decision before; I could do it again.

Even if it destroys me.

“I understand.” I opened my eyes, pushing against the spinning sensation, and gave him a weak smile.

“You understand?” Ryan’s wheat-colored hair was tousled, his eyes tired and rimmed in red.

I tried to sit up so I could be a bit more clear-headed. “Yes, I do.”

We weren’t his family, so why on earth would he sacrifice his job for us? It didn’t make any sense, and frankly I was being an idiot getting offended that he wouldn’t even consider putting our feelings first. He had no care in the world what that article would do to my reputation, or what it would be like for me to be considered the other woman once the world thought he was dating his costar. He didn’t care what it would do to my kids.

Because we weren’t his to worry about.

“I’m sorry I freaked out.” I swallowed the thick lump in my throat, turning my head toward him.